We bought Lily a Bouncy activity center thingy.ย We went with one that has kind of a trampoline thing because she loves to stand up and push with her legs.

All the pink is blinding
She is still way too small for it.

modified for her enjoyment
Even on the highest setting she’s too short for it.ย We have a thick book under the cardboard to try and make it so she can reach.
Some day she will fit into it and I think love it.ย For now she likes it for about 5 minutes and only the musical light up part is any fun.
For more Wordless Wednesday check out Momdot, 5 Minutes for Mom , Wordless Wednesday HQ and 7 clown circus
Happy Earth Day all!!

I need one of those! Too cute!
So fun! They grow up so fast!
Adorable! You can never have too much pink for a sweet baby girl!
We got ours when it was too small too, wish I thought of that!
The part about her still being too short for it made me smile. Enjoy that while it lasts; she’ll be too big for it way too soon.
I like the cardboard under the exersaucer. LOL. Check out my WW post at http://www.pbandsmellysdad.com/2009/04/wordless-wednesday_19.html
I love the way you modified it. My son loves being in his bouncy thing also.
She is so cute. My kids never like those exersaucers.
So cute!!!!!
She’s cute! I’m sure she’ll grow into it fast!
Such a cutie pie!
Awww that is adorable! I didn’t get one of those – I got a walker, but then wished I had gone with the bouncer instead. She never did like walking in the walker, LOL! And she’s always wanting to be bounced. So good choice! I bow to you, you were wiser than me. ๐
By the way, I love the pics in your flickr sidebar – I love the one where she’s on her tummy on the bed, SO cute! ๐
Ha ha, so cute! We’ve had to modify ours before but used a pillow, lol. Happy WW!
lol luv it too cute
How adorable!!
We have a the purple version of that same seat and we call it “The Magic Seat” because it gives us some free time. Finn’s big sister is a little sad that she doesn’t get to sit in it anymore. ๐ I like your modification – we use a folded towel under his feet to deal with the height issue.