A while ago I saw this great idea on Pinterest (our course) and just filed it in the back of my mind as something I thought Lily would like to do, but didn’t have any plans to do it immediately. Then one day a week or so ago Lil wanted to draw and so I grabbed a length of easel paper off of the easel and taped it to the wall. I very crudely drew a few frames for Lil and handed her the marker/crayon/colored pencil box and away she went.
Waldo came in while she was drawing in the frames and sat with her while I worked a little. After she was done he told me what it hit it was and to be sure to do it again. I was more than happy too.
This time she drew little people in the frames rather then amoebas. This kept her busy for almost an hour.
This was a very easy craft to set up and Lily loved it. I’d give it a 6 out of 10 crayon rating.