I took Lily to the doctor’s office to get weighed today. 8 lbs 3 oz. That’s a 5 ounce increase in 11 days. We have been giving Lily 2 to 3 ounces of formula every day. We are going to increase that to 3 to 4 ounces a day probably. I’m still waiting on the doctor’s call to see if we need to do anything else. Also my favorite nurse is going to check with a couple of people to get suggestions on fattening up my milk.
Some random pictures and more info.

sweet face

sleepy sweet girl

tummy time

sleeping in her new swing

unhappy bather
Last night Lily had her first ever scream-free bath. (This is a picture from a couple of weeks ago). It was great. She and I took the bath together and I made the water a slight bit warmer then I used to use. I don’t know if these things made the difference or she is just growing up. Whatever it was I hope it keeps up.