I’m sitting here trying not to bump my fingers or toes because they are freshly painted. This hardly ever happens anymore and I’m trying to enjoy it.
It is a beautiful 64 degrees in early February, EARLY FEBRUARY. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping and some flowers are blooming. I can hardly believe it. I bet its freezing and snowy in Montana right now.
We spent some time out in the sun this morning playing with a toy golf cart my Sister-in-law Christy left here. There was also a lot of exploring behind the shed (it’s safe), and playing around.
Oh and of course I took a ton of pictures.
I also put my phone in my pocket and enjoyed my daughter without a lens between us.
The day is so nice that after her nap Lily went for a walk with ReRe and Papa and I sat outside painting my toes thinking about how lucky I am.
Life is good.
The post was supposed to end here, but I had to add one more thing. We went outside last night after dinner (around 8pm) and it was still beautiful even though it was completely dark. It was also warmer then Montana will be in April!