Things that make me happy

After the crappy way that yesterday started I have been thinking a lot about things that make me happy. In no particular order…

  • waking up being crushed between Waldo and Lily.
  • see how excited Lily gets when I come in the room
  • days Waldo get to come home for lunch
  • being able to stay home and spend all day with Lily
  • the silly little face Lily has been making all the time lately
  • a nice long shower with a good face scrub
  • reconnecting with an old friend (Hi Melissa)
  • being able to work a little from home
  • brownies
  • a clean kitchen, especially since Waldo cleaned it

Thinking about all this wonderful stuff really helped turn the day around.



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One thought on “Things that make me happy

  1. Kudos to you for being a positive thinker!

    A few things that have made me happy lately include:
    * my 7-month-old’s smile and super cute “fisted clap”
    * my 3-year-old’s inquisitive mind – and the fact that we can have fabulous, in-depth conversations
    * my El Naturalista clogs and my Anoname jeans
    * the slice of homemade NY cheesecake that I just ate
    * perfect weather


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