Lily’s first Halloween

Lily looked so cute in her little Dalmatian outfit. She wasn’t too sure of it at first but got more comfortable with it over time.

Since Lily is so little and we don’t need the candy we only took her to our next door neighbors house so we could get some pictures, then it was home so we could give away a little candy.

Lily's first Halloween

Lily's first Halloween

I took a bunch of pictures (of course) while we waited for the trick or treaters.

Lily's first Halloween

Lily's first Halloween

Lily's first Halloween

She really had fun playing with the candy but she didn’t get to eat any.

Lily's first Halloween

Lily's first Halloween

We only ended up with a couple of trick or treaters, this picture was taken right after the first ones left.

Right after we answered the door for the first trick or treaters

Our Halloween self portrait

Halloween self portriat

Things that make me happy

After the crappy way that yesterday started I have been thinking a lot about things that make me happy. In no particular order…

  • waking up being crushed between Waldo and Lily.
  • see how excited Lily gets when I come in the room
  • days Waldo get to come home for lunch
  • being able to stay home and spend all day with Lily
  • the silly little face Lily has been making all the time lately
  • a nice long shower with a good face scrub
  • reconnecting with an old friend (Hi Melissa)
  • being able to work a little from home
  • brownies
  • a clean kitchen, especially since Waldo cleaned it

Thinking about all this wonderful stuff really helped turn the day around.



Swinging the day away

It was a joyous day last week when I was driving to the pet store and saw a park with a baby swing. I had been looking all over the place for a baby swing because I wanted Lily to have the fun of swinging without being attached to me. When I parked the car I texted Waldo that I found a baby swing, this is how excited I was about it.

On Sunday afternoon Waldo and I packed Lily up and drove the 10 minutes to the park. The poor girl really dislikes the car and was crying within minutes of taking off. I kept telling her the torture was going to be worth it when she was flying freely on the swing and that we would be there in just a minute.

We pull up to the park and I’m surprised by how few trees there are, I guess I didn’t really notice the other day because I was driving and trying not to crash.

As we get out Waldo asks me if I’m going to put a blanket or something on the swing, even though he knows the answer. I tell him of course I am, I don’t want her touching the dirty swing or especially trying to eat it. He says don’t you think people will think you’re weird when they see pictures of her with the blanket. I reply that I don’t really care I’m just keeping Lily safe. Even I have to admit it sometimes that I’m a little crazy about washing my hands before I touch Lily or putting a blanket down for her, not OCD crazy but a little crazy. But you know what? I don’t care.

So I grabbed the blanket and her hat and he grabbed Lily and away we went. I tucked the blanket in and we put Lil in and I excitedly pushed. She couldn’t have cared less. She wasn’t upset but she wasn’t excited either.

First time on the swings

First time on the swings

First time on the swings

First time on the swings

First time on the swings

We would have let her swing till she got tired of it but we didn’t have any sun block (I don’t even know if she can use sun block now or what kind to get if she can use it) and the sun was directly on us. It was HOT so we only stayed out for about 7 minutes. Then we had to put her back in the car and you guessed it, more crying on the way home. It was like a big tease. Poor kid.

I have been so inspired by Maia‘s love of the swings that I plan on trying a couple more times before winter, hopefully Lily will start to enjoy them.

Cat food, feeding tubes and big bowls

A couple of years ago we took my cat Jingle to the vet because she was vomiting (we call it haurking) more often then normal. I have to put it that way because this cat has haurked all her life and she always does it in threes. The first one is the biggest, then she’ll walk around to a clean spot on the floor and do it again and then just for fun she finds another clean spot and dribbles a little more. Sometimes there’s something to clean up at all three spots other times there’s nothing but foam that soaks into the carpet before I can get a paper towel. Anyway she was doing this sometimes a couple or more times a day so we took her to the vet. He couldn’t find anything wrong with her but gave her a worm pill just in case she has some kind of lovely parasite and prescribed this super expensive cat food.

We have three cats that have free access to food, so all three cats had to start eating this super expensive cat food. None of them liked it but they had no choice, we don’t feed them people food so it was eat the food in the bowl or don’t eat. By the way they are indoor cats, so they don’t have the option of fending for themselves in the wild.

After a couple of days Jingle was better, just haurking once or three times a week which was pretty normal. We were afraid to switch from the super expensive cat food in case that was the key for Jingle besides we knew from past experience that you shouldn’t just switch a cats food, you should slowly incorporate the new food in with the old food.

Then one day we got home and there was a bread bag in the floor of the living room with bits of bread everywhere. It looks like Hansel and Gretel had been by. Since we weren’t there to know who or why no cats got in trouble. Things like this started happening more often. Then one day I was home and heard a noise from the kitchen caught Waldo’s cat Kitty eating bread or tortillias. So we started putting all that stuff in the fridge (because they could open the cupboards). And then a month or so later we noticed Kitty was very lethargic and getting skinny.

To the vet Kitty went and she stayed there for a couple of days because she was almost dead and had jaundice. They weren’t sure what the problem was. Apparently when a cat gets unhappy and doesn’t eat for a couple of days their livers and kidneys start to shut down and they well… they die. Something like $900 later and a feeding tube for two weeks Kitty is fine.


All of this is to say that we are very careful about what we feed them now. Since they all hated that super expensive cat food we switched over to a less expensive but still pricey natural cat food that everyone seemed to enjoy. Well no one has died from it yet so I think we’re good. But I don’t feel they ever loved it like they loved the food they had before all this vet stuff started.

So a couple of days ago Waldo and I decided that we couldn’t keep spending so much money on cat food and we needed to switch back to Purina. I went to the pet store and bought another bag of the pricey natural stuff and at Target we bought some Purina. When I got home I pulled the super huge bowl out and dumped both kinds of food in and started mixing it. Kitty though she had surely died and went to heaven.




I missed the picture of her taking a bite before I shooed her away so I could put the food away.

The family visit pt 1

A couple of weeks ago Lily got a chance to meet some of her family and we had a blast and of course there are pictures to prove it. What kind of blogger and new mom would I be if there weren’t?

Lily got to meet her Grandparents on her Daddy’s side and her Aunt and two cousins. For right now Lily is the youngest and only girl on that side of the family, so everyone was really excited to meet her. Ok they probably would have been just as excited to meet her even if she wasn’t the first or only girl, but you know what I mean.

It was really nice to have them here because it gave us an excuse to do the touristy thing. We live in a very beautiful area and don’t every really enjoy it. So this was great.

Some of the highlights:

We went to the park that’s about a half mile from our house.  Its a great walk and we need to do it more often.

This is Lily with her Grandpa David and Grandma Rita

with Grandpa David and Grandma Rita

Lily got her first swing ride.
with Mommy, first time on the swing

I’m really irritated, I can’t find a single park around here with baby swings.  This is one reason why we don’t go to the park more often, there’s nothing for her to do yet.

But the boys had a blast.  Brendan is 10 and Jude is 2.

Brendan and Jude
Jude really was having fun.


We went to breakfast at our favorite place, The Buffalo Cafe.
at the Buffalo Cafe for breakfast

Then we walked through downtown Whitefish and it just happen to be Huckleberry Days so they had lots of booths set up in the park and Jude and Brendan got to look at the trains.

Christy, Jude and Brendan
Brendan, Jude and Christy

Jude and his Mommy Christy
Jude and his Mom (Christy)

After looking around downtown we drove up to the ski resort, Big Mountain and took the gondola to the summit.  Of course I waited 12 years to do this so it was a cold (42 at the top) and foggy day in August and there was NOTHING to see but fog.  But I did get some good pictures of Lily with her Daddy and Aunt Christy.

with Daddy going to the top of Big Mountain

with Aunt Christy gong to the top of Big Mountain

Me and Jude
Jude and me

We spent a lot of time just hanging around the house talking and enjoying each others company too.

Waldo and his sister Christy getting burgers ready to bar-b-q
Waldo and Christy (sister)

Lily with her Aunt Christy
Lily with Aunt Christy

Grandma Rita playing with Lily.
with Grandma Rita

Lily with her cousins Jude and Brendan
with Brendan and Jude

Since I don’t know how to do a photo-lite post I’m stopping here for now.

Part two will include the day we decided to drive across the whole state accidentally. Or maybe it just seemed like it since I get car sick and have a baby that hates the car. There will be lots more pretty pictures.

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