One of Lily’s most requested videos

Lily will ask me to see “viveeos” (videos) of herself almost daily.  I am happy to ablige.  Lily has her favorites and will go days wanting to watch it over and over and then we won’t see it again for a week and then it will be everyday. You just never know.  This is a video that she asks for often.  I think the second time we watched it she asked for by saying “I wanna watch the viveeo of Lily Bean swinging and Mama saying ‘look at the cute girl go'” I knew which video she was talking about because I don’t have a lot of her swinging when she was little, she didn’t care for it, but I wasn’t sure of what I said in the video and was so shocked when I played it and she got it right down to the last word.

Hi Mama

A few weekends ago we took a quick and unexpected although very nice trip to visit some of Waldo’s family by the coast. We never made it to the ocean, but we had a great time. I have met his Aunt Shelby and cousin Keri once or twice before, but haven’t really had a chance to sit and chat. We stayed with Keri and after we got our respective kids to bed we sat outside for hours chatting, it was really nice. I hope to do it again before we move (that’s another post, to be made very soon).

For a while we have been planning on buying Lily a tricycle, but haven’t felt in too big of a hurry until now. She had a blast on Waldo’s cousin’s son’s tricycle.

Tempelton 6-26-11

Daddy's helping Lily go! go! go!

Tempelton 6-26-11

Just look at that concentration. She means business.


My favorite entertainer

Well I dropped the (blogging) ball again, sorry. I mean to blog everyday and life gets in the way.

Here’s a little taste of what has been keeping me busy these days. Lily and I were visiting with my Grandma Mamaw at my Dad’s house and Lily decided to hop on a ball. It was so funny. Sorry it’s a little long, I just couldn’t stop filming.

That is some story

I figured since I’m posting videos of Lily every Monday (well I’m trying to anyway) that I’d share this video. It shows just how far we’ve come. 🙂

This was the first time that I took video of Lily with my point and shoot camera, I knew it had a video feature, but had never used it before. It changed my life.

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