The sweetest sound in the world

Lily has been laughing a lot lately but every time I grab the camera she stops. Well today Waldo and I worked as a team and recorded Lily laughing. Please forgive the fact that the picture is sideways and goes blurry occasionally, the laughing is the important part.

Sideways laughing from Christy Wiggins on Vimeo.

I’ll get Lily’s 32 week pictures up soon, hopefully this makes up for my tardiness a little.

I swear she’s not drunk

She just looks it.

Its a lot of the same but I LOVE it and its my blog so I get to post it. He he heeeee

Sorry the quality isn’t great. I took it with my point and shoot. Its so much easier to use then our video camera and always within grabbing range.

Lily in her bouncer from Christy Wiggins on Vimeo.

Of course she started talking again right after I turned off the camera.

Lily in her bouncer 2 from Christy Wiggins on Vimeo.

Lily is enjoying the warm weather in just her yellow Bum Genius 3.0 cloth diaper, she looks so cute with that big cloth diaper butt.

Lily having fun

Lily and I were hanging out tonight and she got really chatty so I grabbed the camera. These are taken with our point and shoot so the quality isn’t perfect.

Lily chatting and showing off her tongue from Christy Wiggins on Vimeo.

Lily tries to eat the camera

Lily tries to eat the camera from Christy Wiggins on Vimeo.

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