Under the gate

We have turned our living room into a giant play pen with baby gates on each door way. Because our cats are fat, lazy and some of them are old and stubborn the gates are raised off the floor 4-6 inches. We knew that Lily might be able to wiggle under the gates but hoped we were wrong. We were not. Yesterday she was playing by the gate to our bedroom and threw a toy to the other side and next thing I knew she was in our bedroom. When I brought her back to the livingroom she kept trying to walk through the gate.

Trying to get through the gate

Today I was able to catch video evidence of how ineffective the gate is.

Under the gate from Christy Wiggins on Vimeo.

Sorry the video is a little shaky I was laughing (silently) so hard at her.

On the wrong side of the gate

When I went in after her she took off in a high speed chase around our bed laughing at how fun the whole thing was.

Random pictures and a couple of videos

I finally got Lily laid down and I was going to try to post something about homemade baby food but I just don’t have it in me right now. I am SO tired. Sleep is a thing that Lily feels she has outgrown at the ripe old age of 9 months. You would think that since she’s not sleeping during the day she would sleep great at night but that is not what’s happening. Oh well maybe she’ll change her mind soon. For now here are some random pictures I’ve snapped over the last couple of weeks.


She loves standing between my legs



Lily sitting on my desk

Lily sitting in front of one of my monitors



Sweet little butt

More laughing from Christy Wiggins on Vimeo.

Little monkey from Christy Wiggins on Vimeo.

I’m in so much trouble now

I put Lily in her crib so I could fold a couple towels.  She was in a sitting position and decided that she wanted to try something new.  I shouldn’t have been surprised because she pulls herself up on our fingers all the time, but I was.  I ran and got the camera and put her in a sitting position again.  Instantly she stood up again.

Once she fell over she couldn’t figure out how to get her hands high enough to pull up again so I put her on her butt again so I could record it again.

Standiing in her crib from Christy Wiggins on Vimeo.

Her crib has been at its lowest since the family visit (btw I promise I’m working on part 2 and will publish it soon) because Jude slept in it. I had been planning on moving it back up but hadn’t yet, I guess I won’t bother now.
