What’s your name?

Lily has a hard time with “L”s so her name isn’t something that she’s even really tried till a couple of days ago. Out of nowhere she said Lily and I was shocked. Now she won’t just say Lily, she always says “Lily Bean” which is fine with me. It was my goal to get it recorded because I want to always remember the way she says it. It just melts my heart. I was afraid that I’d never get it recorded because she doesn’t like to show off and when I ask her to do something she usually gets embarrassed and just smiles at me. I was very happy that she was in a cooperative mode this evening and I got it.


I have only showed Lily the sign for drink a few times and I’m pretty sure the last time I used it was over a week ago. So you can imagine how shocked I was when she toddled up to me today and wiggled her hand in front of her chin and then pointed at my cup.

Signing drink from Christy Wiggins on Vimeo.

I should have edited the first part but I just wanted to get it posted. Sorry.

Walking and talking

We got a new point and shoot camera because our old one died. I was this (picture my thumb and index finger a breath away from each other) to getting a DSLR but we wanted something easily portable for our upcoming vacation so we went with a really nice Cannon P&S. I took a couple of videos of Lily with our new toy and was so happy with how they came out.

Sitting on a blender from Christy Wiggins on Vimeo.

Lily walking and talking from Christy Wiggins on Vimeo.

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