New Town, New Zoo

One of the first things I did when we were talking about moving to Boise was to research zoos in the area. Surprising, I know. Thankfully there is a zoo right in Boise, Zoo Boise. We were at the zoo within days of getting into town. Again, surprising, I know.

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Lily’s sleep schedule was all off from the trip so she slept all the way to the zoo and than we had to wake her up once we got inside.

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She was really groggy at first and really couldn’t care less about the monkeys that we tried to show her. Then we found the Coati, which was at our zoo in Fresno, so she was very excited about seeing a animal that was familiar.

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I had a lot of trouble taking pictures of a lot of the animals, because Zoo Boise has a lot of their exhibits behind glass and or mess/chain link.

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Thankfully Zoo Boise also has a lot of statues.

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Lil wouldn’t be happy if she couldn’t feed some statues.

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They also had the same komodo dragon statue that the Fresno Zoo has. He was behind a rope though, so he had to starve.

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Zoo Boise has some animals that we hadn’t seen before and that was very cool.

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Snow Leapord


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A bunch of different kinds of monkeys


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Tiger statues


They don’t have a petting zoo, but you can feed the goats and sheep from a little candy vending machine full of little goat food pellets.

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Lily wanted no part of feeding the goats, but Waldo tried really hard to convince her that it was safe.

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Waldo became an expert at the goat feeding.

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Zoo Boise has a awesome seasonal butterfly exhibit that I’ll blog about separately because I can’t narrow down the pictures to a reasonable amount.

They also have PENGUINS! I’ve never seen penguins in person before. They are very cool.

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And penguin statues!

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They also have very majestic eagles and Lions, both of which I’ve never seen before.

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Lil got a stuffed buddy at the gift shop before we left.

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All in all it was a very successful trip.  A lot of the zoo is a little old fashion and in need of upgrades, but they are working on it.  They have a wonderful Africa area and they have started working on a Asia (I think) area.  I’m so happy that there’s a zoo here since that is one of our favorite things to do together as a family.

The one where I talk (briefly) about moving

In June of last year we got some news that one of our family members had a major health issue and within days we had decided to move back to our home town to be with them and the rest of our families. **Back story: Waldo and I grew up in the same town, had a few friends in common, went to the same high school for a year, but never met until I moved to Montana. This common home town made for a pretty easy decision to move back since most of our family still lives there.

During the year that we lived in Central California we lived with Waldo’s parents. At first we moved in with them because we only had enough money to move, and needed to save up for a place of our own, we figured we’d be with them for just a few months. After a month or two of living with them, we all realized that we liked living together and so Waldo and I decided to stay longer and work on paying off our debt and saving to buy a house. In March of this year Waldo’s brother and his family moved to Idaho. My In-Law’s visited and decided that they loved the area and decided to move there. Waldo and I were tired of living in our hometown so we decided to tag along. Boise isn’t Montana, but it’s halfway there and so we figured it would be a good stepping stone.

It wasn’t a easy decision for me to make. Lily was finally friends with my niece Olivia and she was starting to form a relationship with my parents, grandparents and sister. This is totally what I wanted for her when we moved there. However we looked up the air quality and crime rates for Madera (the hometown) and Kuna (the Idaho town) and it was staggering. The air quality could range from 1 to 10, with 10 being the cleanest air possible. It would be like breathing brand new air straight from the air factory. Anyway Kuna was like a 7.5, I was so happy. For fun we looked up Whitefish and Kalispell (our towns in Montana) and they were a 6.5 and 7 so I was like holy crap this Idaho town has cllllllllleeeeean air. I nearly fell off my chair when I looked up the Madera air quality, it was a 1.2, I mean that is like breathing tar. I knew the air was crap there, but this amazed me. The crime rate in Idaho compared to California was off the chart too, but the air quality was enough for me to go along with the move.

At the beginning of July a woman put a offer on my In-law’s house and the ball got rolling. We had our u-hauls packed up and left California at the end of the month. It was a whirl wind and I am so glad it’s over. During the packing and moving weeks I hardly took any pictures. It was bizarre. I just had too much other stuff on my mind.

A reststop on the way to Idaho

This was at a reststop on the way to Idaho

It really worked out in our favor that Lily still sits backwards in her carseat. She sat next to the door of the u-haul, and I was between her and Waldo. I was able to easily talk to her and give her things to do. If she was front facing it would have been much more difficult.

Right before we left I ran to Walmart and grabbed a few things for Lily that I wouldn’t give to her until we were on the road. She really liked the little magnetic drawing pad and paper, stickers and crayons, but she went gaga for the little potato heads. She played for hours with the potato people, which really surprised me because she won’t mix up the pieces. she knows just what faces go with what hats and boots and there’s no changing it.


When we got to Idaho we stayed the first few days with Waldo’s brother and his family. They have a lovely, large home, but after a few days we decide to find a extended stay hotel until my In-law’s found a house to buy. We found a pretty nice hotel that was more like condos, we lived there for about a week and a half. Then we moved back into Waldo’s brother’s house for a couple of days before we moved into the new house. All in all we moved 4 times in 3 weeks. I am in no hurry to move anytime soon.

I was a little worried about how Lily would do with the move and I have to say that I’m so happy with her flexibility. She asked a few times to go back home (meaning the house in California) and we explained again and again that we had moved and really tried to stress that the only thing that mattered was that we were all together. Wherever the three of us are is home and that made sense to her so she was very happy.

We’ve been in Idaho for 5 weeks now and we really like it. We are finally at a point where we only have to use our phone’s navigation to find where we want to go every once in a while. *For reals how did people deal with new city navigation before smart phones and nav software? It was the best. We are figuring out where to shop, I’m addicted to food co-ops now (a post about this is coming soon) and we have been to the zoo twice. I miss my family like crazy, but this adventure for my little family is amazing.

New state, new germs

We have been in Idaho for about 16 days and are already dealing with our second illness. We had been here just under a week when Waldo started to feel very tired and the next thing you know he’s got a slight flu or something, the next afternoon I come down with it. It lasted about 4 or 5 days. Lily was a little trooper, she never got it and had to deal with us not being up to do anything, but watch movies and snuggle. She got really bored, but did great. We all felt better for about a week and were very thankful because we are moving into the new house this weekend. So of course Lily’s nose started to run last night and she kept being woke up because she needed to cough. I feel so bad for her and myself because my throat is very sore. This new germ thing totally sucks.

Random mobile shots

This weeks Friday random mobile shots are a random as normal. All of these were taken by Lily while trying to take pictures of Waldo and I. She holds my phone bachward for taking pictures, but it’s the way that it’s normally pointing at her.

Lily self portrait

Lily self portrait

Lily self portrait

Lily self portrait

My favorite.


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