You know the ones I’m talking about. The ones that don’t make the cut. I take somewhere in the neighborhood of 60-200 pictures a week. Thank goodness for digital cameras and good memory sticks. Of those pictures only half or so are good semiclear shots. What do you do with the rest? I save them. I watched a show (appropriately the second day of vacation two years ago) that said not to delete any pictures because you never know what gem you might find later. Waldo and I took that to heart and now my pictures folder is bursting with :the other pictures” but that’s ok with me.
I was looking through my latest Lily folder and started laughing. Some of those pictures are so bad they are great. So I wanted to share. I k now it seems crazy. Usually when a blogger post a slightly blurry shot they apologize and here I am dedicating a whole post to blurry/out of focus/etc pictures. I guess that’s just me, a little blurry and out of focus.
This next one is my favorite and the one that inspired this post. I think she looks like the “monster” guy from Gooneys
What do you do with your “other pictures”? Do you have any to share? I can promise there will be more here soon.