Random Mobile shots 5

Lily said the tree needed some loving.
"this tree needs love"

Lily and Daddy were spending some quality (geek) time together.
Hanging out with Daddy

Lily interrupted my yoga with some “need” and as soon as I stopped to get her what she “needed” she started doing yoga. It was really cute.

Lil got tired of carrying her baby so we figured out a way for her to wear the baby.
Sort of babywearing.

Silly face.

My favorite of all of them. She walks her baby all the time.
Having fun on a walk with her baby

Random mobile shots 3

A couple of weeks ago I was going through the pictures on Waldo’s phone and found these first three pictures. I loved them. Some are similar to some of the ones that I’ve taken because a lot of the time you will see both Waldo and I with out phones out taking pictures of Lil from different angles, most of the time we don’t realize we’re doing it.




These last two I took, I’m trying to get better at self-portraits.



Random mobile shots 2

Sick girl
Of course I took pictures of my Sick Girl.

Sick girl trying to not be sick
My sweet Sick Girl trying to look happy.

using the nosefrida
In order to use the Nosefrida on Lily we had to use it on the baby too.

sick girl going on a walk
After Lily was starting to feel better she begged to go on a walk.

Elmo goes on the walk too
Elmo wanted to go on a walk too.

another use for the nosefrida
Lil had a different idea as to what the Nosefrida was for. I waked in the room and saw the tubing on the floor and her in the chair. She told me the baby was thirsty.

Lily and ReRe
I caught this while Lily was snuggling with her ReRe.

the dedicing face
This is Lil’s deciding face. She was trying to figure out what to draw next. She LOVES to draw.

Random mobile shots

A few months ago it was time to get a new cell phone and after much talking and considering we decided to upgrade to smart phones. Waldo and I each got a htc Incredible. We love them and one of my favorite parts is that it has a pretty darn good camera. I almost always have my phone with me so it’s convent when Lil’s being extra cute to just grab it and snap away.

I’ve seen on a few other blogs where they share their mobile shots and love the idea. So here goes.


Bucket Head


She put the bag on herself and when I grabbed my phone gave me that "Really Mom?!" look.


Enjoying the fall leaves


Waldo's eyes were open just before the picture actualy went off


Cousins enjoying homemade playdough


A secret garden

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