Random Mobile Shots

Happy Friday!  To celebrate the impending weekend here are some totally random pictures from my phone over the last couple of weeks.

Looking at chickens

Lil is watching my cousin Jeni's young chickens. She is fascinated.



Total "Cheese" face while enjoying a homemade yogurt popcicle.



A more normal smile while enjoying the popcicle.


Here's a flower camera

"Here's a flower for the camera"


Sidewalk chalk fun

Sidewalk chalk drawing on the drive way.


Lily and Mommy

Lily and me at the park one day a few months ago. She was just recovering from a flu thing that nearly killed me.


I joined A Good Life‘s weekly phone photo link up this week.  She takes some great phone shots.

Random Mobile Shots

These truly are random.

I have started letting Lily blow bubbles while she takes a bath. She loves it and if she spills it’s no big deal.
Blowing bubbles in the bath

I made Flan a few weeks ago and gave Lily some. She wasn’t too sure of it at first (she wasn’t the only one), but she realized it was really yummy.
Eating homemade flan

I try to do some kind of art or sensory play pretty often (not as often as I’d like, but I’m working on that). Here’s Lily playing with toys in shaving cream.
Playing with dinos in shaving cream

My Father-in-Law has some fruit trees in the back yard and every year he has to fight birds because they eat his cherries. He put nets over the trees and they word pretty well, but birds still eat the cherries that are against the net. I made him some foil covered tubes that I hung from twine to help scare the birds. I don’t think they helped much, but Lily and I had fun making them.
I'm trying to keep the birds from eating all the cherries

Lily and her cousin Jude, I think they were watching Thomas the Train on a netbook.
Lily and cousin Jude

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