Day 6 of 30 Days Hath November is perfect for me.
Before Lily was born I was a huge reader. I love it. I usually had a book with me. I’d read at lunch in the work kitchen, I’d read in the doctor waiting room, I’d read anywhere and everywhere. Well as just about any Mom will tell you I sort of gave up reading anything but board books once Lily was born. I missed it so much. A month or two ago Waldo downloaded a e-reader app for his phone and told me about it, I still didn’t think it’s be right for me. Then my sister Jolene told me she was reading “The Help” and it was great. I asked Waldo to help set me up with it and I read it at every opportunity. I had that book read in less then a week. After that I read the whole series that True Blood was based on. 11 book in probably 3 week. My blog suffered, I tried no to let Lily suffer but she probably did a little. I couldn’t stop. Even thought I didn’t love the last 2 books I had to read at every opportunity. I was so sad when the series was over and didn’t know what to read next.
Waldo read the series A Song of Ice and Fire a few years ago and loved it. He was so happy when Game of Thrones came to TV and we watched every Sunday and both loved the show. So now I’m reading A Game of Throne. Since I liked the TV show and Waldo loved the series I’m going to read it through, but it’s a very long book and I’m having trouble making myself finish it. I know how a lot of the stuff turns out from the show and being that it’s the first in a series it’s a lot of background and a slow read. Waldo ways the other books in the series are better.