Another trip to Montana

Right on the heals of coming home from our California trip we were offered the opportunity to visit Montana. Of course we jumped on the chance, we love to visit our friends there.

After our not so fun trip through the mountains in California that took way tooooooo long we decided to take the more or less straight highway route to Montana. Because of this we didn’t go through Missoula and missed visiting our friends there, which was a real bummer, but it saved us hours and twisty turny mountain roads.

We got to Montana and our friend Gil; who so graciously offered his spare room for us right when Google predicted we would, it was awesome.  Something that wasn’t awesome, I was having such a good time with some of our friends I neglected to take pictures of some of the more fun times that we had, I guess having the fun is the best, but I miss the pictures. I only took 700some pictures during this trip and that may sound like a whole lot, but remember most of them are out of focus or bad in some other way. Anyway we had a  wonderful time and even though as per usual this series of posts is late, it’s better than never.

Montana Trip July 2013

On the drive to Montana we stopped in Kennewick, WA at a little park and had lunch and then played on the swings for a little bit.

Montana Trip July 2013

Montana Trip July 2013

Montana Trip July 2013

Ah, the Flathead Valley in Montana. Beautiful, usually green, but still beautiful.

Montana Trip July 2013

Our first view of Flathead Lake, which is ginormous and beautiful and always signals the last stretch of our journey.

Montana Trip July 2013

Our first morning in Montana we went to the Buffalo Cafe in Whitefish. One of our favorite places to eat and not just because our friend (Waldo’s BFF and hetro-life-mate) Jack is the main cook there. The food is super delicious and it’s a piece of Whitefish history or at least a must see there.

Montana Trip July 2013

After breakfast and a tiny bit of Whitefish sight seeing we went to visit our friend Becky. Becky is all about lego’s and so she and Lily built all afternoon.

Montana Trip July 2013

That first day was jam packed. After leaving Becky’s we went to Anthony and Maggie’s and Lily was introduced to the love of the Xbox Kinect. Lily and Anthony and Maggie’s son Conrad played and played and had a blast.

Montana Trip July 2013

The next day which I believe was Tuesday we went back to Becky’s and after hanging out and trying in vain to decided where to go for lunch for I’m not kidding you at least an hour we hopped in our car and finally decided to go eat where Becky works. We hadn’t been there before, but it’s well spoke of by Becky (of course) and has great reviews on Trip Advisor. We had fancy bacon and brie cheese burgers and they were the Yum. After lunch we went for ice cream at a local place that makes all their own ice cream and it was so good we went there again a few days later.

Montana Trip July 2013

Lily kept talking about playing with Conrad and his video game, it was cute. We had planned to visit Anthony and Maggie again anyway so back we went.

Montana Trip July 2013

Conrad liked the dog guitar that we bought Lily.

The next day was work day. Well since we work from home, everyday is a work day even on vacation. While on vacation is just usually a short day, but since we were in the town where our office is we had to make an appearance, which we would have done anyway to say Hi, but meetings were planned. For me this office time was only an hour or two, but for Waldo it was a full day event.

Lily and I spent the day with Becky while Waldo worked. I totally got the better gig. We had lunch together and checked out the thrift stores; which I was bummed to not find anything good, but Becky found an almost complete Lego Yoda for $5 so she was jazzed.

Montana Trip July 2013

We left Becky and went to the park before picking Waldo up. I really wish I had thought that plan though a little because it was like 101 and that park had little to no shade so everything was HOT! We checked out a few of the pieced of play equipment, but left after less than 10 minutes.

Montana Trip July 2013

It looks like she’s having fun, but only because this particular thing has the metal covered with cloth so it was only a little hot.

Montana Trip July 2013

After picking up Waldo we went to dinner and they had this really cool moose outside.

This is the end of part 1 of the Montana trip. Stay tuned for some fun.

Lily’s babyisms

Lily has been so excited, curious and excited about the baby and I just don’t want to forget a thing that she’s asked or said about her or him.

When we first told her she said that she was excited, but didn’t jump up and down or anything so I wasn’t too sure how she really felt. Later that day though she came up to me with a very serious look on her face and asked “Mom, how can you eat with a baby in your tummy?” I explained that the baby wasn’t in my stomach and then asked if she wanted to lean more and she lit up with excitement. We spent over an hour looking at pregnancy sites while I told her all about what a baby at 5 weeks was like and then she noticed a video and so we spent even more time watching videos of babys at 5, 6 and 7 weeks. She loved it all.

The day before we told her we were pregnant Lily informed me that when we finally did have a baby (because this has been a topic around here for a while) she would keep the baby entertained, most of the time. A few days after we told her she told her Daddy all about her plans to keep the baby entertain, most of the time.  She didn’t elaborate, but you can tell she has plans.

While we were watching more pregnancy videos the day after the big reveal she was sitting on my lap and had her leg right in front of my belly. After a minute she looked at me with shock in her eyes and said “if my leg is touching the baby and you need me to move it, I will. I don’t want to hurt the baby”. I told her that her leg was fine right then, but that I’d let her know if she ever needed to move it. She was so revealed.

Last weekend we went looking at king sized beds (because our queen is fine for the 3 of us, but there’s no way a 4th will fit) and Waldo and I decided that we’d also get Lil a twin sized bed because her crib mattress is getting too short. A few days later Lil asked when our new big bed was going to get here and I told her that we were going this weekend to buy it and then I mentioned getting her a new bed too and she said that she didn’t need one. I reminded her that when she’s on her bed she’s too long for it and she demonstrated that if she curls up she’s ‘too short for it’ and then in a move of utter sweetness she stretched out and scooted to the edge of her mattress and said “and look if I move over here, there’s plenty of room for the baby too”. Be still my heart.

Oh I almost forgot, I think this one was my favorite. The day after we told her we were pregnant, we were doing our morning routine laying in bed waiting for Kitty to come and wake us up (it’s a thing we do even though both of us are already awake, Kitty comes in and Lily tries hard to get Kitty to step on her, I don’t get it, but Lily loves it) anyway, Lily looked at me and laid it out. “You know Mom, the problem when a Mama has a baby in her belly but already has a Kiddo the Kiddo has to wake up a bunch all night long to make sure she’s not kicking the baby and waking her up.”  “Oh, is that right?, that’s very sweet of you to think of that”.

I mean really, this kid is so sweet. I can’t wait to see her with her baby sister or brother. By the way, we all hope that it’s a sister.

7 weeks pregnant

I found out I was pregnant at 4 weeks which according to the internet is the earliest you can find out. For the first two weeks I felt fine, tired sometimes, really really tired, but fine. Then I hit 6 weeks and that’s where this pregnancy is so different from Lily’s. When Lily I felt tired, but never really sick. I only threw up two times and after tossing I felt great. Otherwise I don’t remember ever complaining that I was nauseous. This time it’s nausea-city, and that’s not a place I ever wanted to visit, much less live in. I’m not throwing up, and sometimes I wish I would because I think I might feel better after, but than again maybe not.  I’m figuring out how to get it under control, but it sucks. Crackers and other easy to eat things are stashed around the house for easy access.

Speaking of eating just like with Lily I can’t eat that much at one time. But unlike with Lil I need to eat more often. I’ll eat and be full and fine, nauseous but fine for a while and then a few hours later (give or take depending on what I last ate) suddenly I need to eat, no I take that back I MUST EAT something and quickly, don’t get in my way, give me food, just a few bites will do but I need it like 5 minutes ago.

Another difference is that my boobs are already filling out, which is nice because with the weight that I’ve lost this year my boobs had um…deflated and shrank a little so the fullness at this point is very much appreciated.  With Lily my boobs never changed, I know it’s weird, but they didn’t.

While I’m talking about my boobs, they have been sore. I know this is a normal thing, but I didn’t really have it with Lily either. My boobs being sore was the first thing I noticed and when it didn’t go away after a day or two and my period was MIA and my temp stayed high I took a test. At this point my boobs aren’t nearly as sore, but if I bump them hardish they still feel sore.

Since this is going to be our last baby I want to do my best to document this better than I did with Lily. Hopefully you’ll see at least a tiny blerb of a post each week. That’s my goal, we’ll see how I do. Keep me accountable please.

Random Mobile Shots

Lily painting the zoo

Lily wanted to paint the zoo. This the the giraffe house and a giraffe.

Lily painted the zoo

The finished zoo. Along with me taking a picture of the giraffe, Lily and Waldo and the little brown things watching the lions. The female lion is wearing a tutu and the male is riding on her back while holding a glass of water. There’s a zebra on the top along with a carousal , that’s the red thing on the top corner.

Taking a closer look during our walk

We went for a walk last week and she she had to bring her binoculars so she could check things out.

Modeling the shirt we decorated

Lily has been very unhappy because the shirt I decorated with Minnie Mouse for her birthday has been retired so I finally made her a new one and she helped me add extra things (like the face).

Modeling the shirt we decorated

The finished drawing that Lily did from the restraunt last week

This is the drawing that Lil was working on at dinner last week.

Going up the slide

Going up the slide at a playground that we finally decided to check out, after two years. We’ve been back like 5 times in the last two weeks. We should have gone sooner.

Going down.