Random Mobile Shots

I totally did the driveway chalk balloons that I’ve seen all over Pinterest.

Drive way balloons

I was doing the dishes the other day and looked over to see this. Lily, Papa and Tiger watching Clifford the Big Red Dog.

Lily, Papa and Tiger watching Clifford

Lily in her bubble bath.

Cute bathtub girly

My Biker.

Biker girl

Kitty torture.

Are you serious?

Lily started this thing where she makes a heart with her fingers and then she’ll put it to my chest. It’s so sweet.

Lily's heart

Lily and the big girl bike

Last summer we got Lil a balance bike and a few days later she saw a Hello Kitty Big Girl Bike at Target and has been talking about it every since. Because we had just bought the balance bike and well because she was too little for a Big Girl Bike we have been telling her that we will get it for her when the weather gets warmer this spring. As soon as we got paid this month we headed to Target and got the Hello Kitty Big Girl Bike. Lily was in heaven.

Lil's first ride on her Big Girl Bike

A few days before we bought the bike we ordered her a doll bike seat so her Buddies could go for a ride. This was a BIG hit.

Lil's first ride on her Big Girl Bike

Here’s Lil’s first ride.

She spent way more time using her breaks than going forward. But it didn’t take long to figure it out with Daddy’s help.

Lil's first ride on her Big Girl Bike

Lil's first ride on her Big Girl Bike

About 5 minutes later Lil was an expert (well almost).

The next day we searched high and low (I mean it, we went to I don’t know how many stores) to find elbow and knee pads. Hello Kitty of course. We finally found them at Walmart.

Lil's first ride on her Big Girl Bike

Lil's first ride on her Big Girl Bike

So there was an octopus

We just can’t stop going to the Zoo and Aquarium. We went to the aquarium a week or so ago and had a blast.

Aquarium 1-6-13

Aquarium 1-6-13

Aquarium 1-6-13

We bought Lil a camera for Christmas because she loves to take pictures. She had a great time taking pictures at the aquarium.

Aquarium 1-6-13

Aquarium 1-6-13

The best part was the octopus. Every other time we’ve been there he’s just a glorified rock on the bottom of the exhibit if you can see him at all. This time he was showing off.

Aquarium 1-6-13

Aquarium 1-6-13

Aquarium 1-6-13

Aquarium 1-6-13

Aquarium 1-6-13

Aquarium 1-6-13

Aquarium 1-6-13

Aquarium 1-6-13

Aquarium 1-6-13

Aquarium 1-6-13

Aquarium 1-6-13

Aquarium 1-6-13

Aquarium 1-6-13

Random Mobile Shots

Lily really wanted to help me grate cheese the other day. She tried really hard, but the setup was terrible and she was bound for failure.

Helping to grate cheese

We made ice cream out of some of the snow. It was meh.

"Snow ice cream"

Doctor Lily loves to take care of all of us.

Doctor Lily

I braided Lil’s hair the other day. I was so happy with how it turned out. She made me take it right out. She is not into putting her hair up AT ALL.

First really good braid

Playing in the snow

We have been taking advantage of the snow and cold weather lately. I hate playing outside when it’s hot, so this snow has been great. And I’m getting some really good pictures out of the deal. These pictures are from the last couple of times we have played in the snow.

Backyard Winter Wonderland

Backyard Winter Wonderland

Backyard Winter Wonderland

Backyard winter wonderland

Backyard winter wonderland

Backyard winter wonderland

Backyard winter wonderland

Backyard winter wonderland

I really love taking pictures of the crab apple trees.

Backyard winter wonderland

Backyard winter wonderland

Backyard winter wonderland

Backyard winter wonderland

Backyard winter wonderland

Backyard winter wonderland

Backyard winter wonderland

My little photographer.

Backyard winter wonderland

Lil looks at the trees and says ‘The trees have winter coats on’. I love her mind.

Backyard winter wonderland

Backyard winter wonderland

Backyard winter wonderland

Backyard winter wonderland

This week we finally had perfect snow for a snowman. By the way before moving to Montana I never would have known that not all snow works for snowmen, but it’s totally true.

Playing in the snow 1-29-13

Playing in the snow 1-29-13

Playing in the snow 1-29-13

Playing in the snow 1-29-13

Lil loves to make snow angels.

Playing in the snow 1-29-13

Playing in the snow 1-29-13

Playing in the snow 1-29-13

Playing in the snow 1-29-13

Playing in the snow 1-29-13

Playing in the snow 1-29-13

Playing in the snow 1-29-13

Playing in the snow 1-29-13

Playing in the snow 1-29-13

Playing in the snow 1-29-13

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