Yoga kid

Lily loves to do yoga. I do too so this doesn’t surprise me, but I have to be honest I don’t love to do yoga with Lily. She likes to do it with me, which means that shes literally under me most of the time. It’s really had to do downward facing dog with Lily’s little butt in my belly. So I was really glad when Waldo found a yoga YouTube sequence that Lil loves to do by herself.

Yoga girl

Yoga girl

Yoga girl

Yoga girl

Yoga girl

Yoga girl

Yoga girl

Yoga girl

I highly recommend the Cosmic Kids Yoga. The girl that presents is really good and Lily loves her. She makes it fun and fast paced for the kiddos.

Random pictures from the zoo

More picture from last August.

At our zoo you can feed the Sloth Bear. She likes little meal worms. I think they are super yuck and so does Lily, but luckily you don’t have to touch them to feed the bear.

Zoo Boise 8-12-12

You drop the worms in this tube and the bear sucks them out from her side. It’s fun. Probably not for the meal worms, but for the kids it is.

Zoo Boise 8-12-12

I want more meal worms.

Zoo Boise 8-12-12


Zoo Boise 8-12-12

Zoo Boise 8-12-12

Zoo Boise 8-12-12

I can’t believe how much she’s grown in the last 8 months. This picture just kills me.

Zoo Boise 8-12-12

Zoo Boise 8-12-12

Zoo Boise 8-12-12

Random pictures from the zoo

Last August Waldo’s sister Christy and her son Jude visited. We were going to go to the zoo, but it was so crowded we couldn’t find a place to park. We decided to just play in the park right outside the zoo and feed the geese the popcorn we brought for them. Then we went to the aquarium.

Zoo Park 8/9/12

Zoo Park 8/9/12

Zoo Park 8/9/12


Zoo Park 8/9/12

Zoo Park 8/9/12

I’m done.

Zoo Park 8/9/12

Not me.

Zoo Park 8/9/12

Zoo Park 8/9/12

Oh wait, me too.

Zoo Park 8/9/12

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