Random Mobile Shots

My garlic is doing great. It made Scrapes

When we got back from California I noticed almost all of my garlic had sprouted Scapes.

Garlic scrapes

I cut most of them off because I’ve read that you do that so all the plants energy goes to growing bigger bulbs.

Garlic scrapes

Now I’ve just got to figure out how to eat them.

Sticker facial hair.

Lily thought it sounded fun to put this sticker on her face.

Chef Lil

Chef Lil

Buddies having a picinc

Lily’s buddies are set up for a picnic or eating at a restaurant. I can’t remember which.

Olivia's preschool graduation

My sister Jolene and her daughter Olivia at Olivia’s preschool graduation.

Olivia's preschool graduation

My Dad and Olivia at her graduation.

Olivia's preschool graduation

The graduate herself.

Blast from the past.

This picture is of my Grandparents; my Dad’s parents, my newborn sisters and myself. My Grandpa; Papaw passed away when I was in 7th grade. Mamaw passed away two weeks ago and she’s the reason we were in California last week.

We miss you both.

Boise Botanical Garden

A few weeks ago we decided to go to the Boise Botanical Garden before going to the zoo. Our season pass is was almost up and we wanted to get one more trip in before we had to pay again. I didn’t go into this planning to take a ton of pictures, but by the end of our 90 minutes or so there I’d taken almost 300 pictures. I just love the Botanical Garden, it’s so beautiful and peaceful. Not a lot of the flowers were blooming yet, but it was still very lush and there were enough flowers to make me happy.

Boise Botanical Garden 5-5-13

Boise Botanical Garden 5-5-13

Boise Botanical Garden 5-5-13

Boise Botanical Garden 5-5-13

Boise Botanical Garden 5-5-13

Boise Botanical Garden 5-5-13

Boise Botanical Garden 5-5-13

Boise Botanical Garden 5-5-13

Boise Botanical Garden 5-5-13

Boise Botanical Garden 5-5-13

Boise Botanical Garden 5-5-13

Boise Botanical Garden 5-5-13

Boise Botanical Garden 5-5-13

We saw a little snake while looking in the rose garden. It was tiny and wanted to have nothing to do with us.

Boise Botanical Garden 5-5-13

Boise Botanical Garden 5-5-13

Boise Botanical Garden 5-5-13

Boise Botanical Garden 5-5-13

Boise Botanical Garden 5-5-13

Boise Botanical Garden 5-5-13

Boise Botanical Garden 5-5-13

Boise Botanical Garden 5-5-13

Boise Botanical Garden 5-5-13

Boise Botanical Garden 5-5-13

Boise Botanical Garden 5-5-13

Boise Botanical Garden 5-5-13

Random pictures from the zoo

These pictures are from May 26, 2013

The lion and one of his women were right by the window showing us their loveliness.

Zoo Boise 5-26-13

Lily wanted to check out this little building in ‘Africa’. She’s seen it a hundred times and never cared about it before. We probably spent 10 minutes here.

Zoo Boise 5-26-13

Zoo Boise 5-26-13

The goose babies are getting bigger.

Zoo Boise 5-26-13

Zoo Boise 5-26-13

Zoo Boise 5-26-13

Zoo Boise 5-26-13

Zoo Boise 5-26-13

It had been sprinkling when we first got to the zoo, by this point Lil didn’t need her jacket but refused to take it off.

Zoo Boise 5-26-13

When we left the zoo we drove around the surrounding park looking for more geese. We found them.

Zoo Boise 5-26-13

Boy, did we found them.

Zoo Boise 5-26-13

Zoo Boise 5-26-13

Zoo Boise 5-26-13

Zoo Boise 5-26-13

This stage of goose growth is not my favorite.

Zoo Boise 5-26-13

Zoo Boise 5-26-13

Random Mobile Shots

We got Lil a new bathing suit. I think it’s adorable.

Lily's new bathing suit

There’s no pictures of Lil anymore without her doing some dramatic pose of one kind or another.


Lily set up a tea party for her new baby, Big Baby.

Lily having tea with Big Baby

Lil loves these chopsticks and was super proud of herself for giving them shoes. I don’t normally let her play with her food, but come on, noodle shoes are a must.

Her chopstick now has feet

Her chopstick now has feet

We are making a last minute trip to CA for my grandmother’s funeral. This is about half the food we took with us.

About 1/2 the food we are taking on our trip to CA

More food art. I made a muffin with honey in Lil’s cream of wheat.

food art

Lily improved it with the blueberries.

food art

So Lily did some ballet

In February (I know, I’m so behind) Lily had her last ballet classes from her second attempt at dance class.  She loved it so much. It was just 3 other girls, two were sisters and the third was the daughter of the teacher.  Lily really worked at listening and participating, she’s a little uncoordinated (my fault I’m sure), but she was getting there.  I was never able to leave the room though. I tried a few times and it resulted in major meltdowns. Oh well. I’ll try again next time.

Lily at ballet

Lily at ballet
Lily was the first girl to master levitation.

Lily at ballet

I love how Lily does her ‘rockstar walk’, it cracks me up.

These next pictures are from the last class. They call it a recital, but really they just have the normal class and all the parents watch. The girls do a little dance they have been practicing at the end, but that lasted all of 2 minutes.

Lily's last ballet class

Lily's last ballet class

Lily's last ballet class

Lily's last ballet class

Lily's last ballet class

Lily's last ballet class

Lily's last ballet class

Lily's last ballet class

Lily's last ballet class

Lily's last ballet class

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