Lil wanted to go outside and “chalk” the other day. I don’t like to touch the chalk unless I have to, but decided to try and sort of recreate an activity I say on Pinterest. I made a few squares and wrote letters in them and had her jump on the letters. She mentioned a word starting with a letter so I changed up what I was doing. I started saying a word and having her jump on the letter it starts with. She did great so I added the rest of the alphabet and she continued to do amazing. I was so proud.
Tag Archives: Lil
Random Mobile Shots
This week has been fun hair week it seems. For a kid who usually won’t let me do anything with her hair but make it look nice down, this was a lot of fun.
4 piggie tails.
3 piggie tails.
The Doctor is checking Kittie’s chart.
NO! Bad Kitty!
The garden is going gang busters. These are the red potatoes I planted.
My Father-in-Law is trying something new with his cucumbers. Last year they took over the entire garden so we’re hoping the tomato cages help control them a little. In the background you can see my strawberries. They are growing really well, but didn’t put out much fruit.
The foreground picture is my FIL’s cantaloupe plant, the right is his tomatoes. Both are doing good, but not producing much fruit…yet.
My cutie-girl playing. There will be a post on Monday to explain the letters on the ground.
We went out to dinner with a super cute witch.
Last weekend we went to one of those serve yourself yogurt places, Lily was in heaven.
Banana oatmeal chocolate pip cookies
The title isn’t a mistake. While we were making these Lily christened chocolate chips chocolate pips. I liked it so it stuck.
Lil is smashing 2 very very ripe bananas. Hmmm, it seems that the very ripe bananas is the only part of the recipe I can really remember and can’t find the right one on Pinterest or Google. I’ll keep looking and also look for the copy I printed. Once I find it I’ll post it.
I really hope I can find it, because Lily and everyone else in the house loved these cookies. Well everyone except me, I loth bananas. I don’t like the smell, taste or texture of bananas so I didn’t try them.
We added extra pips to the top of the cookies before baking. Lily added extra pips to her mouth and was a happy kid.
Backward airplane
I don’t know what else to call it, but backward airplane seems to sort of work. Anyway Lil loves to stand in my hands and then once she grabs my feet I lift her up and once up in the air she lets go of my feet and sort of growls. This is her new favorite thing and she wants to do it all. the. time.
Last week she wanted me to take a picture of her doing this little trick. It was very hard to get it, but I decided to try and get a video while I was at it. My phone was laying on my belly since I didn’t have any extra hands to hold the phone. I took like 6 videos and only two were sort of ok and I decided to only share this one.
Random Mobile Shots
Lil loves standing on my hands. It was really hard to take this picture.
The Princess and Little Kitten went for a walk with me the other day.
We went for a family bike ride last week and had to cut it short because we didn’t put on sunscreen.
Lil was eating yogurt at lunch the other day and told me to take her picture.