Random Mobile Shots

Me and my girl

Today Lily was watching a short video with me at my computer. I realized that she was snuggling me and grabbed a quick selfie.

Lego flowers and vases

I saw this in my newest Rachael Ray magazine and had to share the picture with my lego obsessed friend Becky.

Lily's new giraffe headband

Lil’s been pretending to be a giraffe lately so I made her a giraffe headband.

Lily and her pretend beach

I bought Lil this beach ball and she proceeded to make herself a beach with a blue blanket for water and yellow towel for sand.

Carrots we grew

Hey look I grew some carrots.

Lily's new mickey mouse playdough stuff

I bought Lil a mickey mouse playdough set at Target because it was on clearance and she is crazy about Minnie right now. She loved it.

The doctor and her patients.

The doctor and her patients. BTW, she’s not sick, she was just tired of me taking her picture right then.


Wow, this post is from last summer. It’s been sitting in my pending posts all year and I totally forgot about it.

To make goop you mix about equal parts of corn starch and water. You can add food coloring if you’re feeling crazy. Lily loves this stuff. She’ll play with it for hours, or at least she would last year. We haven’t made it in forever. I think we’ll do some this afternoon.












I took over 750 picture while we were in Montana last week. I’m working on processing those pictures and posts for them and I’m still finishing up my post about CA. I am just so tired from all this traveling that it’s hard to get anything finished. I thought this post would do for now at least. 🙂

Random Mobile Shots

We are in Montana right now having a blast with our chosen family. This is just a quick post with a few pictures of what we’ve been up to, a more detailed post will come on the heels of the California trip posts.

We stopped for a lunch picnic and played on the swings.
On our way through Kennewick, WA we stopped to have a picnic. We stayed and played on the swings for a few minutes.

Lily and Aunt Becky playing legos.
Lily playing with Aunt Becky‘s legos.

legos take a lot of thought.
Two heads are better than one.

breakfast at The Buffalo
Me and Lil at breakfast at The Buffalo Cafe.

I <3 u
My eyeshadow <3

Lily and Conrad playing me kinect.
Lily had a stinking blast playing xbox kinect with our friends Anthony and Maggie’s son Conrad.

The DRIVE part 4

After we got done swimming we ate pizza while KK finished making dresses so we could take them with us. She made them for her Granddaughter and Olivia, but it fit Lil so we borrowed them for the day.

I got the girls dressed after their bath and we went outside to take some pictures.

May 2013 California trip

May 2013 California trip

May 2013 California trip

May 2013 California trip

Olivia was all about the pictures, Lil was totally over it.

May 2013 California trip

May 2013 California trip

May 2013 California trip

May 2013 California trip

May 2013 California trip

May 2013 California trip

May 2013 California trip

May 2013 California trip

May 2013 California trip

May 2013 California trip

May 2013 California trip

May 2013 California trip

May 2013 California trip

May 2013 California trip

The DRIVE part 3

After the super fun swimming adventure we got home way too late to give sleepy girls a bath so that happened early the next morning.

May 2013 California trip

May 2013 California trip

May 2013 California trip

May 2013 California trip

May 2013 California trip

May 2013 California trip

May 2013 California trip

May 2013 California trip

May 2013 California trip

May 2013 California trip

I don’t have a lot to say about this series. I think it’s just super sweet how these girls are together and I had a lot of fun documenting it.

May 2013 California trip

May 2013 California trip

May 2013 California trip

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