
I’ve decided that along with lotions, lip balms, heel balms, toothpaste and other body products I wanted to make soap. So my pinterest pins have almost all been soap related lately and I’ve done a lot of video watching of soap making in the last few weeks. Yesterday was my first attempt at soap making and it’s still in the works so I don’t know how it turned out.

Yesterday at breakfast before the Great Soap Adventure started Lily looked at me started the following conversation.

Lil – Mom do you know what I want to be when I get older.

Me – Nope, please tell me.

– A doctor (as per usual) and after that a pet seller (again the usual) and after that a soap maker.

– Oh really, you want to make soap? That’s very cool, well you can certainly help me with the safer parts of the soap process today.

Alright not the most exciting conversation ever to be recorded on the great innerwebs, but I liked it.

Catching up again

I haven’t been posting much lately for a whole host of reasons. I have been busy with home-preschool (posts to follow at some fricking point), holidays (posts to follow about this too), work (you don’t need a post about this boring stuff), deaths (so sad and posts to come about this too) and because of the deaths lots of trips to California (posts and pictures galore about this). Beyond being busy with life I think I’ve also been a bit depressed, which is a new thing for me. I’m working on getting past the depression or whatever it is and in the two or so weeks since I first started this post I’m doing much better. I think working on this here piece of the innerweb of mine will help that too. I love seeing all of the fun that I have with my family put down to paper…er keyboard and looking back at it later.

The point of all of this is to say that you can look forward to picture posts from over the last year published randomly.  My goal is to keep you guessing what season/holiday you’ll see next.

I have been going through my pictures lately and I’m astonished at all of the pictures that have never been uploaded and I’m going to remedy that.  So let the fun begin.

Back in the saddle

I’m finding it very hard to get back in the saddle so to speak with blogging. For a while after my miscarrage it was hard to post because I hadn’t written my loss post and also because I just didn’t have a lot to say. Now that I’ve written my loss post I still don’t have much to say. I mean things are happening in our lives that really should be posted about; Halloween pumpkin patch, trick or treating, a trip to California, what prompted that trip, home preschooling; I just can’t seem to get out my head long enough to type anything. A wee bit of depression is probably the main issue, but I think we can’t dismiss my natural laziness. I have pictures upon pictures to post and things to say so I’m going to try and get back on the horse and start posting again. I’m hoping that this post will inspire me. We’ll see, but it’s always good to have hope.

Hmmm, I was going to add a picture of Lily right here to close the post, but I’m so far behind that I don’t even have any recent pictures on Flickr, so just imagine a picture of Lil.

Happy thoughts

I decided that I need some happy thoughts after last month’s hits so here’s some.

*Lily has started doing this really cute thing where she just breaks out in song all the time now. The best part is that she’s not singing songs that she’s heard, she’s singing about things that she’s doing. She will make up little songs about cleaning up her toys or what she’s drawing or getting dressed. It’s adorable.

*Waldo is my rock. He’s always there for me when I need him and I couldn’t do it all without him.

*This morning during a very emotional moment Waldo told me that I meant the world to him. It’s making me tear up just writing it. I feel the same way about him.

*Lily loves to dance. She will dance anywhere and everywhere. Often when we are eating dinner Waldo’s Dad will have the TV on and Lily will just start dancing in her seat to what ever commercial or whatever. It’s super cute, except maybe when I’d rather her be eating her broccoli.

*I’m back to making lip balm and other beauty products and I love it. I would much rather make something if I can then buy it.

September can suck it

September was an incredibly hard month for our family and I’m so glad that it’s over. It’s all up hill from here. I’m working on a post about the first totally shitty thing that happened and once that’s done I’ll work on the rest of the month.

YAY for October. I can’t wait to take Lil to the pumpkin patch and start decorating for the ghosts and goblins.

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