Random Mobile Shots

Lily and I painted a large canvas for Waldo for Father’s day. Painting her name was her idea and I loved it.

Waldo's father's day canvas

I don’t remember how this started, but it ended with Lily snuggling with her balance bike.

snuggling with her bike

I saw a a picture on Pinterest of a poofball soccer game for kids, but didn’t really take the time to read it. But it seemed like a good idea so the other day I took a small piece of posterboard, drew a line on each end and a circle in the middle and Lily and I spend a bunch of time blowing the poofball across the board with straws. She thought this was the best fun.

poof ball soccer

The weather has been beautiful so we took advantage of it and had lunch al fresco.

Lunch al fresco

Lunch al fresco

My Mother-in-Law’s heart porch hanging thingy. It shines little bits of light all over the porch and inside the house. At first it was a little annoying seeing the little lights move around out of the corner of my eye, but now I really like it.

Hearts in the sky

Yesterday I needed to clean the bathroom and decided that Lily could help. She loved the idea.

Cool gloves

I clean the bathroom with vinegar and water so I felt she was fine helping. She did the sink while I did the bathtub.

Little helper

A few months ago I bought a sand and water table for Lily and for the first time yesterday I put sand in it. I knew it would make a mess, but figured it wouldn’t be too bad. Boy was I wrong. There was mud all over the back porch within minutes of pouring the sand in the dry side. Lil didn’t’ even play with the water side except to put the water in the sand. she played for a long time and had a lot of fun, but it will be a very long time before we do this again.

Really dirty sand and water table

Lil’s first snow cone

Last weekend Waldo’s brother was part of a charity event thing that gave away free snow cones and he invited us to come and get some. Lil’s never had a snow cone before and I had been thinking about introducing her to the sickly sugary sweet ice treat so this was perfect timing.

I ordered her a watermelon flavored snow cone and at first she wasn’t sure about the crazy red color.

Lily's first snowcone

She tried a few bites, still not 100% on board I think.

Lily's first snowcone

Lily's first snowcone

Then the sugar hit and she was smitten.

Lily's first snowcone

Lily's first snowcone

Lily's first snowcone

Arms raised high “This is the BEST picnic ever”.

Lily's first snowcone

She repeated that comment at least 3 times.

Lily's first snowcone

Lily's first snowcone

Lily's first snowcone

I’m sure we’ll be doing snow cones again this summer.

My kid loves sticks

My kid loves sticks. When we go on walks she gathers at least 4 or 5. They can be big or small, she doesn’t care, as long as they are sticks.

These sticks were the supports for some climbing plants my Father in law bought. Lily was in heaven when he removed them from the plant.

This girl loves sticks

She made a ladder and is demonstrating how to climb it.

It's a ladder

It's a ladder

It's a ladder

It's a ladder

It's a ladder

She also loves little rocks and flowers, but she gathers those to give to my Mother in law.

Playing in the dirt

I don’t know what she’s doing in this last picture, I just thought it was cute.

Painting with homemade fizzy sidewalk paint.

I found this on Pinterest one morning last week went right out and made it for Lil.


It really couldn’t have been easier to put together. I had everything in the kitchen or craft closet so it cost me nothing to make which means it’s either a guaranteed failure or the best thing to ever happen. ever!

Homemade fizzy sidewalk painting

Fizzy Sidewalk paint:

About 8 big spoonfuls of baking soda

1/2 cup of cornstarch

Warm (almost hot) Water

Food coloring

Mix the dry ingredients and then add water stirring until its not too thick.  I probably used about a cup, but I am not 100% sure.  Once I separated it into the muffin tins, I used Wilton pastel food gels for the colors. This was so much fun. It comes with pink, yellow, blue and green so I got to show Lil how mixing colors makes new colors. We have pretty much perfected orange and purple at this point.

This paint dries very quickly – but washes off fairly easily. However the darker colors did stain the driveway a bit, but now even that has faded.

Homemade fizzy sidewalk painting

The blog I got the recipe from called for a container of baking soda, but I buy huge bags of baking soda from Costco so I just guessed at the amount.  Next time I make this I will use more baking soda because there wasn’t nearly as much fizzing as I would have liked.

Homemade fizzy sidewalk painting

Homemade fizzy sidewalk painting

Homemade fizzy sidewalk painting

The fizzing came from vinegar in a spray bottle.  Lil loves spray bottles so this was hands down the best thing in the world. Mom letting her just go free with a spray bottle and not a cat in sight to get in the way. YAY!

Homemade fizzy sidewalk painting

Homemade fizzy sidewalk painting

Homemade fizzy sidewalk painting

Homemade fizzy sidewalk painting

I gave this a 6 out of 10 crayon rating because of my bad proportions. I’m pretty sure Lil would give this a 8 rating; which YAY! We’ll try again with more baking soda.

*I don’t have an explanation for the helmet. It’s just part of her daily uniform lately. Whatever floats your boat kid.

Discovery Center Fun

A few weeks ago we wanted to do something fun with Lil, and something that was different than the zoo.  So I looked up the Discovery Center of Idaho and figured out that there were probably some things that Lil would enjoy.  We packed up Lil and headed to Boise.

I was a little worried that Lil wouldn’t have fun, but figured that the Discovery Center is in the Zoo parking lot so we could always make a stop there if necessary.  I was totally worried for nothing.

Discovery Center 2/12

Everything at the Discovery Center could be touched and played with.  Lily loved it.

Discovery Center 2/12

Of course a lot of the exhibits were way over my her head, but she still had fun touching them or turning their dials or whatever.

Discovery Center 2/12

Discovery Center 2/12

Lil loves looking at herself in the mirror, so this infinite mirror thing was the best thing she’s ever seen.

Discovery Center 2/12

I was wrong, the little grocery store was the BEST. THING. EVER. EVER. EVER.

Discovery Center 2/12

She put little fruits and veggies in her cart and had a blast.

Discovery Center 2/12

Discovery Center 2/12

Then she got to check out. Oh, the excitement of it all.

She goes grocery shopping with us every weekend and sees how the whole thing works and the fact that she got to do it herself was so much fun.

Discovery Center 2/12

Every time she scanned a item she went “boop boop”. I have a video of it somewhere, I need to find that.

Discovery Center 2/12

We were on our way out the door when we saw this bubble tank and had to stop by and see what it was all about.

Discovery Center 2/12

This was my favorite thing at the Center. Lil and I had so much fun blowing huge bubbles, while Waldo took pictures.

Discovery Center 2/12

Discovery Center 2/12

Discovery Center 2/12

You know it’s a good sign when Lily asked as we were walking out the door to come back soon. And the next day she kept asking to go back to the place with the store.  We will definitely be going back to the Discovery Center. It was a blast.

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