A bounce house, a clown and a lot of fun.

Last weekend my Aunt KK and her daughter-in-law Tiffany worked till 3 in the morning putting together an amazing birthday party for Tiffany and Matthew’s son Evan’s first birthday. It was a circus party and they pulled out all the stops. The backyard was all set up with a bounce house and a game area, the dining room and kitchen were busting at the seems with goodies. The party was filled with family and fun. Everything was perfect.

When we first got to KK’s house my cousin Melissa’s 11 year old daughter took Lily out to the backyard to see everything. Let me stop here and point out how amazing it is that Lily went with Hannah without complaining, this never happens. After probably 5 minutes I stepped out to check on Lil, she was in the bounce house looking very lost and a little sad. When she saw me she immediately wanted out and ME. We played on the swings till everyone was out of the bounce house and then we went back in. When it was just the two of us she LOVED it. She’s been on a bouncing kick lately so this was magical to her.

Evan's 1st birthday party

Evan's 1st birthday party

To keep with the circus theme my Aunt got a clown to come and entertain the kiddies. I have to admit I totally assumed that Lily would hate the clown and want nothing to do with her, but she didn’t, she was just her normal shy self. The makeup and crazy clothes didn’t bother her at all, this amazed me when you consider how much Santa scared her at first.

Evan's 1st birthday party

Buttons the clown was a hoot. She made balloon animals, bracelets and hats. She did some face and arm painting and did a little magic show. The kids loved her and I loved how she interacted with the kids.

Evan's 1st birthday party

Lily got a flower bracelet. Apparently the bracelets are harder to pop.

Evan's 1st birthday party

Tori (the birthday boy’s big sister) got a ladybug bracelet.

Evan's 1st birthday party

Tori got her face painted too.

Evan's 1st birthday party

Lily didn’t seem interested in the painting at first, so I got a little heart painted on my arm first.

Evan's 1st birthday party

After she saw me doing it, she let Buttons paint on her.

Evan's 1st birthday party

Evan's 1st birthday party

Evan's 1st birthday party

Olivia got a lot of painting done. She loved it.

Evan's 1st birthday party

Evan's 1st birthday party

She got some little hearts on the other arm too, but I didn’t get pictures of it.

Logan (the birthday boy’s big brother) decided to be a lion. Every circus needs a lion, right.

Evan's 1st birthday party

Evan, the birthday boy himself got a monkey on his cheek to match his shirt.

Evan's 1st birthday party

He quickly rubbed it.

Evan's 1st birthday party

Group photos are hard. I think this was the best out of 10 tries. 🙂

Evan's 1st birthday party

At the end of the party, when it was just a few of us left, we all got in the bounce house and relaxed. Or bounced. Or played. Whatever, it was fun.

Max (Olivia’s big brother) and Olivia playing.
Evan's 1st birthday party

Jolene and Max relaxing.

Evan's 1st birthday party

Matthew (my cousin and the birthday boy’s daddy) and Logan playing.

Evan's 1st birthday party

My aunt Kk and Uncle Dixon relaxing.

Evan's 1st birthday party

Lily slept really well that night, she played herself silly. And now as a result of how much fun she had in the bounce house we have to avoid the park on weekends because she doesn’t understand or believe that strangers don’t want to share their bounce houses with her.

Baby gear I loved

A few weeks ago we welcomed a good friend into the wonderful world of parenthood.  I am so happy for them and wish them all the best in the world.

A few months back the excited Dad to be asked me if I had any baby info for them.  I told him how I think breastfeeding is one of the best parenting decisions I ever made, I shared how easy making baby food was, how I love sharing my bed with my baby and how I love babywearing and cloth diapering.  I meant to make a list of my favorite, most useful gear but neglected to do that until today.

You can go to almost any Mommyblog around and get their list of their favorite baby gear so this isn’t anything new, but these are my favorites.

Cloth diapers: bumGenius3.0.  I love the diapers but next time I’ll go for snaps over velcro, the velcro on Lil’s died after a year and a half of use.  I also have a few other kinds of cloth diapers including some Bum Genius Flip diapers and some other diaper covers.

some of my cloth diapers

Some of my Bum Genius diapers


Lily in a Bum Genius Flip diaper


Babywearing: Ergo.  I put off buying an Ergo because of the expense.  Now that I have it I love it and feel it paid for itself within a month of having it.  In all honesty I love my Ergo and can’t live without it, but I also have and love a Kozy Carrier Mei Tai and a great Comfy Joey ringsling.  I can tell you for sure that I will want a new lovely ringsling when we have baby #2.  My current one is great, but it’s kind of a scratchy cotton and I will want to upgrade to a better material.  I haven’t tried them but I’ve heard great things about the slings from Sleeping Baby Productions.


Us using the Ergo

Me and Lily

Us using the ringsling


Swaddling: Miracle Blanket and Aden + Anais blankets.  I loved the Miracle Blanket for when Lil was small.  Once she got too long for the MB I started using a Aden and Anais blanket.  Don’t tell anyone but I swaddled Lil till she was 17 months old, it worked really well for us and I saw no reason to hurry it to be over.

First time on the swings

The Aden and Anais blanket can be used for lots of things. Including swing cover.

I swear she loved being swaddled. She just wanted to be picked up and not photographed right this second. Again in her Aden and Anais blanket.

I swear she loved being swaddled. She just wanted to be picked up and not photographed right this second. Again in her Aden and Anais blanket.


Breastfeeding: A good bra, a Boppy and a Nursing Cover.  I have never bought a nursing bra better then a Target bra and I wish I would have spent the money on something nicer back when Lil was tiny.  My bras wear out really quickly and most of the time aren’t ever super comfortable.  Do yourself a favor and buy a good bra. I loved my Boppy and used it all the time when Lil was small.  Waldo used it all the time too.  The Boppy was also great for propping Lily up.  The Boppy was also great for using as a photo prop.  I have a ton of pictures of her on the blanket covered Boppy.  I have a nursing cover and use it on the occasion that I nurse in public.  Lily hated it, but I think that was partly because I only used it occasionally so she never got used to it.

10 weeks old

There's a Boppy under that blanket.


Pouty Lil on her Boppy


Car Seat:  Because Lil was so darn small even the head cushion that came with her car seat was useless so I looked around and found the Kiddopotamus Snuzzler from Amazon.  I was so happy when we got it.  It is nice and soft and kept Lil from rolling around in her seat.  We also got her a Car seat swaddler for a couple of reasons. Firstly, she was born in NW Montana in December and no matter how many blankets I put over her I always felt she would be cold. Secondly, she was not a fan of being in her car seat, but she loved being swaddled so I hoped that being swaddled in the car seat would help. It didn’t really but I felt she was warm so that’s something.

Holding on tight

Sleeping in her seat with the Snuzzler

Swaddled and snuzzled

Swaddled and snuzzled


Bath time: Lil wasn’t a fan of getting a bath when she was little (do you see a pattern here? She wasn’t a fan of anything that wasn’t my arms). Because she wasn’t happy, she was very wiggly and I never felt comfortable giving her a bath in one of the hard plastic baby bath tubs. Amazon to the rescue again. I got her a Safer Bather Infant Bath Pad. It made all the difference in the world. Oh, she still hated her baths but I felt they were safer. For the record, I started taking a bath with Lil and things drastically improved.

bath time

Cool baby bath mat thingy


Baby Monitor:When I was filling out my baby registry I added a normal old school audio only baby monitor.  People told us we’d want a video monitor, but I doubted it.  I knew Lil was going to sleep in our room so I figured she’d be out of our sight for such short amounts of time that the expense of the video monitor was just too high and also it seemed silly.  Did I really need to watch my kid sleep through a tiny monitor, I thought not.  Boy was I wrong.  I won a Summer Infant Handheld Color Video Monitor from Metropolitian Mama (I love Steph) and she told me that I’d love the monitor and Steph did not lie.  I love the monitor and it is the greatest thing ever (or close to that). Because Lil is not the greatest sleeper, it is great to have the video monitor because I can tell if she’s really awake or just tossing and turning.  With the audio monitor I’m sure I went in and woke her up at least a few times because I thought she was awake but was just turning or something.

I’m sure there were other things that I loved and kept me sane with a infant but these are the most important things.  Tune in soon for part 2 for the baby things I hated and could have lived without.

Again, congratulations to Jesse, Jamison and Teagen.  Much love!!


I paid for all of the items listed here except the monitor.  Some of the links are for my Amazon Association and I guess if you buy something from the links I might get a penny or two.

Family Fun

The other day Waldo’s sister Christy (talk about confusing when we are both together) (oh and I have a step-sister named Krisiti, she and I were born on the same day, she’s just a few years older) her husband Barclay and their son Jude visited from L.A. We all went outside to play and enjoy the wonderful weather.

I was sitting on the grass taking it all in and taking pictures.

Lily kept running to me from the ends of the backyard and jumping into my arms for a major hug.

Running to hug me

Running to hug me

How lucky am I?

Me and Lily

Me and Waldo

Lil loves her Daddy

Daddy and Lil

Papa was telling Lily something about the garden or grass. She is going to have so much fun helping him garden this year. We already got her some tiny tools.

Lily and Papa

I took probably 10 or 20 pictures of Lily and my Mother-in-Law Rita and this one was the absolute best. Of course Waldo and my Sis-in-law Christy were photo bombing us.

Lily and ReRe

Lily was ready to go to dinner.

Cool kid

I’m pretty sure she was telling us to hurry up at this point.

Lily and ReRe

We met up with Waldo’s brother and his family at a great local restaurant. I took the rest of the pictures with Waldo’s phone (mine was uncharacteristically just about dead).

Family Dinner

Family Dinner

Family Dinner

Family Dinner

We had a nice time and have to enjoy them while they last. Waldo’s brother is moving his family to Idaho as we speak. We’re going to miss all those rowdy boys.

Lily’s big 2nd birthday party

Waldo and I decided that since Lily made her big debut three days before Christmas we would have to have her birthday parties a couple of weeks early. You know, in order to avoid all of the holiday hoopla or have her birthday confused with a Christmas party. The date of her party has been set for months now, that was the easy part. I’m going to just go ahead and say it now; I have no idea how to throw a party, I had no idea where to start or what I needed to do. I just muddled my way through this whole thing.

Last year we had a little birthday party for Lily’s 1st birthday and it was suppose to have a snowman theme. I say suppose to because I didn’t really decorate for it and the snow white cake that the whole thing was planned around was a flop. So when I was talking to Waldo about the party he said that I should do the cake again to redeem it, I thought that was a great idea and ran with it. I grabbed snowman things whenever I saw something that caught my eye. I got some really cute little felt snowman buckets in Target’s dollar section, I got 5 or 6 snowman cookie trays at different places and a few other snowman decorations here and there. I figured they didn’t need to really match as long as it was all snowman related it would work together. I decided that I needed to make Lily a birthday banner, kind of like all the cute ones I’ve seen online. This banner became a little bit of an obsession for me and I’m sort of glad I didn’t keep all the receipts; I don’t want to know how much it ended up costing.

Besides the few decorations the most important thing to me was the food. I purposely decided to have the party in between meal times so all I had to do was snacks. Since I love to cook and bake I was really looking forward to this part. Then like fate was smiling on me I got a holiday cookie issue of Food Network Magazine in the mail. It was full of cookies and I was inspired. I decided to make Snow Capped Macaroons that looked like little mountains, meringue snowflake cookies and rice crispy treats.  Somehow the rice crispy treats morphed into a table of snowman part treats.  I made rice crispy treats into little balls so they were the snowballs, then we had pretzel sticks (arms), baby carrots (noses), whoppers (buttons) and junior mints (eyes and mouths).

I think I might have forgotten to mention that while I knew what day and time the party was on and what food we were going to have and what decorations I was going to use, I had no flippin idea where the party was going to be held.  We live with Waldo’s parents and while they have a nice home it is nowhere near big enough to hold all of the people that were coming.  And even though we live in California it’s still December so we couldn’t really have the party outside, and I was trying to keep this party on budget so I couldn’t afford to have it at a place that we had to pay very much for.  Luckily my Grandparents live in a retirement community that has a clubhouse, unluckily when I called about renting it they wanted a bunch of money for it.  So I asked my Grandpa (Pop) to go and ask and he bartered a deal so we got it for free, yay for musical grandparents.

I spent a lot of evenings, after Lily went to bed, cutting out circles and gluing them together and using glitter glue and puffy paint.  It was a lot of fun.   After the snowmen were done I spent a lot of time admiring them, I don’t often feel creative or that my creations are cute (besides Lily of course).  I was very proud of my snowmen.


I had wanted to get Lily a cute 2nd birthday or birthday girl or snowman shirt to wear at her party, but didn’t think of it early enough to order it online and couldn’t find anything in the local stores. Sure I could have ordered it and paid crazy shipping, but I could write a whole post about how much I HATE paying shipping and will work super hard to get free shipping or just wait longer for the cheap option. Since I couldn’t find anything good locally I gave up on the shirt and then a few days before the party I realized I had all this puffy paint and glitter glue left so I went to Walmart (another post could be written about how much I hate that place with the passion of 1000 stars) and found a really cute plain red shirt for $3.50. I only picked up one and I knew that was a bad idea. After Lily went to bed I set up my crafting station (two tv trays) next to Waldo and set to work. Just as I was putting the finishing touches on the hat Waldo reached over and placed a few peppermint hershey kisses (love them) on my tray and of course set his hand in my wet hat. He felt really bad, but he hadn’t even realized I had started on the shirt because he was watching something or playing something.  Back to Walmart we went and this time got two of the cute red shirts. I decorated both and in the end I’m really glad I did. I again spent a good amout of time admiring my craft because I was pretty darn proud of it.

I'm 2 shirt

The day before the party was a blur of sugar, flour and egg whites. I used approximately two dozen egg whites and two whole eggs, oddly enough for me I’m totally not exaggerating. The only thing that I baked that had yolks in it was the chocolate cake for the snowman’s hat. Oh and by the way I only knew how I was going to do the cake like two days before. I had just planned to do a double layer 9 inch cake and never thought more about it, but then I was talking to my mother in law (who’s made lots of cakes and has taken cake classes) about it she pointed out that with the number of people we were going to need more like 3 cakes. Talk about scrambling. After a lot of discussion I decided to make a cake in the shape of a snowman, it really only made sense.

Between all the cookies and cakes it took me A LOT longer to make them all then I had expected and we (my wonderful Mother in law and myself) were still decorating the cake moments before the party started. I was so stressed. We were suppose to get to the clubhouse at noon and the party started at 2, but because of my over ambitious plans we didn’t get to the clubhouse till 1:30. Luckily a few of my cousins were already there so they helped decorate. It wasn’t how I planned it, but it worked out great.


Cakes with crumb coat and snowball rice crispy treats in the background


unbaked Meringue snowflake cookies

I had planned on the snowman banner being on ribbon, but changed my mind at the last minute and figured we could just use double stick tape to hold them up. I’m not super please with that decision, but I can’t change it now.

Snowman display

Final snowman display

I am so glad that Waldo recommended that I try to redeem the cake because it was so darn good.  It was moist and delicious and the white chocolate buttercream was a bit fussy to make but so worth it.  I think the frosting was my favorite part.  I had all these high aspirations of piping all the little details onto the cake but ran out of time and almost broke down but then Waldo recommended using the snacks from the “snowman parts” table.  I was overall happy with the outcome, it wasn’t what I had in mind to begin with but I thought he turned out pretty cute.

The Cake

The finished cake

Cookies and chips

Meringue snowflake cookies and Snowcapped macaroon mountains

I made two batches of the rice crispy treats: one was the regular way and the other I added chopped up peppermint Hershey kisses.  Yummy.

Snowman Parts

Snowman parts snacks

The Birthday Party Girl

The Birthday Party Girl

Opening elmo

Opening presents

Lily's belly dancing outift

This is the top to the wonderful homemade bellydancing dress my Mom's wife made

Me with my creation

Me and my snowman

Lily and GG

Lily and GG (my Mom)

Lily, ReRe and Papa

Lily with ReRe and Papa (My in-laws)

Small cake

The little cake

Lily, eating her birthday cake

Lily eating her piece of cake. She loved it.

Lily and Daddy

Lily and Daddy

Jeni's snowman

My cousin Jeni made a snowman from the parts

Lily and Rere

Lily and her ReRe

I may have muddled my way through, but I was pretty happy with the outcome.  But let me tell you this now, next year Lily will have cake at home on her birthday and that’s about it.

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