Before Lily was born I knew that I want to be a babywearer. I mean come on who wouldn’t want to keep your baby as close as possible but still have my hands free to do things? Its the best of both worlds.
I bought a Hotsling, took it home and it didn’t really fit. So I took it back and ordered a Moby Wrap off the Internet. Once I got the hang of wrapping myself up in it the Moby was great (in theory). Lily will tolerate it occasionally. She prefers to face out so she can see what’s going on around her. I don’t feel she has good enough head control to be in the wrap for too long that way. Not that she wants to be in it for very long. I was starting to loose hope.
I stopped by our local baby consignment shop to see what kind of carriers they had. I had thought maybe a ring sling or something like that would be good. The nice sales lady (possibly the owner) showed me one she was really excited about and it was a great price. It was very colorful, possibly too colorful for me. I looked around at what all they had and decided that colorful one was going home with me. It was $18 and I had another item to exchange so it didn’t cost me anything out of pocket.
I took it home and washed it. While I was hanging it to dry I noticed the brand and a website listed. So of course I went and looked it up. It was a Kozy Carrier. I couldn’t believe it when I saw the price. A new one is $89 plus shipping. I would have preferred the natural colored straps over the black but I got it for such a good price I can’t complain.
Between the instructions and videos on the website I was pretty easily ably to get Lily in it. I’ve worn it around the house I think 4 times and she usually put up with it as long as I keep moving. For at most 30 minutes, but its better then nothing. I think once I can take her for walks in it she will like it much more. She still wants to face out but I feel more comfortable in the Kozy then I did in the Moby.
I’m still not an experct at wearing it but I’m getting better.

Lily in the Kozy

I need to learn how to take self portraits.
Please excuse the fuzziness of those pictures. I love Lily’s expressions so these had to be used.
While typing up this post I found this site. It looks like a great babywearing resource.