These pictures are from all over January 2014.
Yesterday morning I wanted to make bread and asked Lil to help me. She dumped some ingredients in and this is the dough after the first rise.
After she put in those few ingredients she wanted to draw. Works for me.
She loves to draw on foil with sharpies.
“A house full of family”
The baked bread. I don’t think any local bakers are going to be worried I’ll take their jobs, but it’s great bread.
Lil buttered some of the homemade bread for dinner.
As an aside, see my cute butter bell? It was a thrift store steal at $1.99. Yay!
Lil called me into the bedroom to see her little house. I can’t decide if Lemon Meringue pissed off the Godfather or if there’s some bestiality going on.
I apparently missed the section in the instruction on how to keep clean while you dyed pasta for crafts.
The other day Lil told me “Mom take a picture of just my eye”
Here’s some fun ice cube painting.
We get all kinds of dressed up to make pizza at our house. Or at least Lil does.
I’m not sure big on the selfie, but I liked my hair this day.
And this one was just for fun.
I don’t know who’s the better sport; Tiger or Papa. Either way Lil’s a lucky girl.
Kitty takes babysitting very seriously.