I made shampoo bars. And I love them. So far anyway.
Last Saturday was Waldo’s birthday. He wanted molten lava cake. I had a lot of fun researching recipes and figuring out what I wanted to make. Then we made a test recipe early last week just to make sure it was going to work out. Oh what a week. Let me tell you, molten lava cake rocks.
Lily loved the Lava cake too. We decided to forgo powered sugar on top and whipping cream and had mint brownie ice cream instead.
Lily’s very into dressing herself (when she does get dressed, when we are at home it’s pajamas all the time, which is fine with me) and doing it with style. This was her crazy outfit. Even the shoes don’t match. LOL.
We did some valentine’s stamping the other day. I carved a potato and was very impressed if I do say so myself.
She also stamped with the cut end of a celery bunch. The paint brush was her being silly.
This is Lily and Lucy Buttercup. Lily drew Lucy Buttercup and a robot.
Lily and Teacup. I think the drawing is Lily as a magician and Teacup has bows on her head and tail.