Lily is taking a water break during our bike ride the other day. On a side note, Lil loved riding her bike when we first got it and then one day she fell and wanted nothing more to do with the bike. This didn’t surprise us at all, I mean it’s logical. But we kept telling her that falling happens and we just have to try again. Waldo worked really hard taking her for short rides to get her confidence back and we are happy to report that this last bike ride she is 100% back and loving it. YAY!
Lil wanted to make a cardboard rocket so the other day when I was working late Waldo and Lily made this. Then when Waldo got tired of pushing Lil on the carpet in her rocket, she had the brilliant idea of Daddy pushing her in his office chair. It worked out great and they went back and forth between rooms with her yelling for astronauts to get out of her way.
I got Lil a Hello Kitty shower cap from Target. It was a big hit and super useful.
More breakfast art.
We went to the Boise Farmer’s Market last weekend and Lily got this awesome balloon turtle.
My Brother-in-Law is a beekeeper and sells local raw honey at the Farmer’s Market. This is his observation hive. He had some bees hatching while we were there, it was crazy to see.