Lily and I painted a large canvas for Waldo for Father’s day. Painting her name was her idea and I loved it.
I don’t remember how this started, but it ended with Lily snuggling with her balance bike.
I saw a a picture on Pinterest of a poofball soccer game for kids, but didn’t really take the time to read it. But it seemed like a good idea so the other day I took a small piece of posterboard, drew a line on each end and a circle in the middle and Lily and I spend a bunch of time blowing the poofball across the board with straws. She thought this was the best fun.
The weather has been beautiful so we took advantage of it and had lunch al fresco.
My Mother-in-Law’s heart porch hanging thingy. It shines little bits of light all over the porch and inside the house. At first it was a little annoying seeing the little lights move around out of the corner of my eye, but now I really like it.
Yesterday I needed to clean the bathroom and decided that Lily could help. She loved the idea.
I clean the bathroom with vinegar and water so I felt she was fine helping. She did the sink while I did the bathtub.
A few months ago I bought a sand and water table for Lily and for the first time yesterday I put sand in it. I knew it would make a mess, but figured it wouldn’t be too bad. Boy was I wrong. There was mud all over the back porch within minutes of pouring the sand in the dry side. Lil didn’t’ even play with the water side except to put the water in the sand. she played for a long time and had a lot of fun, but it will be a very long time before we do this again.