Lily has been very into dressing up lately. This is how she decided to go to dinner the other day.
This is how we found her once we got to the restaurant. Grrr, but so cute.
We had to put my almost 16 year old cat (Jingle) to sleep this week. It was so hard, but also we felt it was time and putting it off any longer would have been cruel. Jingle is the lighter colored one. This was her last meal.
About 30 minutes after we got back from the vet Fed ex delivered my new sewing machine. It really helped to turn my day around.
This is Lil’s newest obsession, making up exercises. This is the belly bridge.
Lily’s cousin Brock has been over playing a lot this week. I love this picture. The super heros are taking a well deserved break.
I’m once again linking up with Amy from A good Life for her weekly mobile picture post.