My Aunt Kk let me know one day, that before her grandkids moved back East she wanted to have a little princess photo shoot with Lily, Olivia, her Grandkids Tori and Logan and my cousin’s daughter H. Tori has a bunch of Disney Princess dresses and they would be too big for Lily and Livi to play in, but they would work for some pictures. H had just been in a school play and Kk made her a princess like dress and Logan has a Prince outfit so they would all look so cute together. So one day last month I lugged Lily over to my Grandparents house and we got all the kids dressed up. Of course Lily was in a extra clingy mood the day that Kk decided to do the pictures, in fact none of the little kids were in that great or cooperative of moods. It’s funny how that happens.
After a few pictures in the front yard, we went out back to find rocks to use as props.
All in all we got a few good pictures, but we found out that it is really really hard to get that many kiddos to look at the same place and stay still and smile and not pick their noses…

All in all it was a good day, would have been prefect if we had one more mother to help wrangle the kids or a cowboy. they can keep 100’s of cows together shirley they can get 6 kids together. lol lol That was for my mother for mother’s day so don’t give her a copy. ok
They look adorable – all five! I especially like that prince costume.
My 2-year-old used to be like that too, a bit uncooperative for group photos. She’s much better now though and will often offer up big smiles for the camera.