A couple of nights ago after dinner Lily hung out with Waldo till story time because I need some time off. Lil’s been staying up way too late for the last few days and I was about at my wit’s end so Waldo suggested I take some “me” time. It was really nice. I sat at my computer playing Civ 5 while he did the dinner dishes and played with Lil in the other room. It only lasted about 90 minutes, but it was just what I needed.
Anyway when Lil came into the family room for story time she stopped in the door way and when I turned to face her she ran to me and said “Mama I missed you so much”. Waldo had to scrape me up because I melted into a puddle from the sweetness. Needless to say there was much snuggling after that and thankfully Lily feel asleep in literally 4 minutes.