Conrad Elliott came blazing into this world Thursday night July 30, 2009 which just happens to be his Mother’s 21 birthday. What a perfect birthday present.
Conrad’s proud parents are our good friends Anthony and Maggie. We’ve been friends with Anthony for years and have seen him through some very good times and very bad times as you so often do with chosen family. I am so please to say this is the happiest if not most tired I’ve ever seen him.
Conrad is a big boy weighing in at 9 lbs 2 oz. Maggie was a champ and pushed him out in only 20 minutes. He is 21 1/2 long and has lots of hair just like his parents.
Maggie I have a few bits of advice for you, you know since I’ve a veteran and all.
Let Anthony help and take his opinions to heart. That was one of the hardest things for me. Waldo wants to be a part of every decision when it comes to Lily but I think I know it all, so I had to learn to compromise and sometimes be very persuasive so I still get my way.
Enjoy every minute. I know you’ve heard it before but its so true. They grow up so fast. I still can’t believe Lily’s 7 months old.
Sleep when Conrad sleeps, at least at first.
Most importantly Conrad is your baby so listen to that amazing Mother’s instinct and ignore everyone else, including your Mom and people like me. But listen to me because you know I know it all. Lol.
Congrats you guys!
I have to include a few more pictures because I never know when to stop.
Look at those legs, edible.
I made Maggie unwrap him so I could finally see a chubby baby.
Remember I’m here if you need anything.

They are just a gorgeous family. Congratulations!
What a sweet, sweet baby boy. Makes me think that maybe we will have a third baby {we’re still deciding}…