It’s Thursday so that means it’s time to update Lily’s weight. Lily now weighs 8lbs 15.9 oz! That’s a 3 ounce gain this week.
In the past 7 days Lily has had 5 ounces of formula and 1 ounce of applejuice. She refused to take her 1 oz of formula last night. We are not going to give her any formula this week and see how she’s doing at next Thursday’s weigh in.
Lily really impressed some of the other Mom’s today by showing off her standing ability. I have to hold her of course, but she loves it.
And because I can’t have a post about Lily (or anything really) and not include a picture. I give you…

Sleeping on Momma

I just love her feet. 13 weeks old.

PRECIOUS!! She is beautiful! I love the cute little feeeeeeeeeeeeet!!!
Little One is now 4 1/2 months old (but technically she should only be over a month old since she was born VERY premature). She now weighs 7 lbs, 3 oz…which sounds tiny for a 4 month old, but is HUGE considering she was only 980 g at birth! That’s 2 lbs, 3 oz. Crazy how fast they grow, eh? 🙂
What a delightful blog you’ve got! 🙂
Thank you for stopping by and commenting on so many post. Your kind words are very appreciated.
That’s a very impressive weight gain for Little One. It amazes me how fast they grow, now I know why my Mom and Grandma were always threatening to put a brick on my head. Lol