Tonight just a couple of minutes after Lily laid down for the night she picked her head up and just about killed me with the sweetness that came out of her mouth.
“Sometimes at night when I crawl up into your bed I stop at your tummy and whisper really quietly ‘goodnight’ to the baby”
“Really, that is so very sweet. Do you want me to stand up so you can tell the baby goodnight right now”
Lily’s whole face lights up as she takes in my words. “Yes of course I want to”
I stand up on my knees so my belly is at the right height and she bends down and no matter how hard I strain I can’t hear what she says, but she whispers something to my belly for a moment or two and then lays back down.
With tears in my eyes I kiss her head and tell her that she is “the sweetest thing ever” and then I say “You already love our baby so much don’t you?”
“Yes of course I do and if it’s a girl I’ll really like her too.”