I talked about watching my niece and how the girls and I made playdough, but I didn’t get a change to write about the rest of the day.
There was a lot of “working” going on.
There was a lot of checking out toes. I don’t get what it is about a toddler and their toes, but both Lily and Livi spent a very strange amount of time checking out their toes.
We had a few moments of super sweetness. Livi was signing “twinkle twinkle” to Lily to help her fall asleep.
They took turns “falling asleep” and I think you will agree after watching the video that no one was actually going to go to sleep.
And the thing that is most looked forward to, the thing that is most talked about, the thing that is the most fun; jumping on Lily’s bed. There was a lot of that.
These two certainly know how to have a good time. They wear me out.
We really miss Olivia. She turned 3 yesterday. Happy birthday Livi!