We may be one step closer, but it feels more like a huge leap closer.
While we were in Montana a few weeks ago I talked to one of my friends that homeschools her girls and she got me really motivated. When we got home I started researching more of what I had read about in the past. I had heard of K12, in fact one of my friends from California homeschools her kids with K12. Even though I knew a good deal about it I hadn’t given it much thought. Well I went to their site and started to read about it and realized that with K12, you can sign up with a local school, virtual or private in most cases, and once I found this out I started checking out the local virtual school. Well as it happens that very night they were having an in-person meet and greet type of thing. We registered and rearranged our night so we could go. We wavered, well I wavered a bunch on going to this thing, but in the end I felt it was a good thing to do. Boy was I glad that we went. I learned a ton of very useful information and now I’m really excited about signing up for K12 with IDVA (Idaho virtual academy).
Since Lily’s birthday is in December she can’t start kindergarten until next school year, so this year we’re going to do the preschool program that K12 just adopted. Lily and I have been doing learning stuff forever when the opportunity presents itself, I guess you could call it unschooling; nothing too structured, just following Lil’s lead. But I want a more structured learning thing to start happening so that we are prepared for kindergarten.
I’m really excited and will continue updating here with more info as life goes on.