This is the first Halloween that Lily had any idea what was happening and I was super excited because we live in the same town as a lot of our family now so I was going to get to show my cutie pie off. I mean pictures are good but the real thing is so much better. Lily loved her costume and once she got comfortable with so many people in the room she played and showed off her tutu and wand.
My Mom’s wife Cory surprised us with the tutu, wings and onesie a month or two ago. When we got it I knew what Lily was going to be for Halloween and it was perfect. I bought the wand and a tiara to finish the fairy princess look off. The tiara wouldn’t stay on her head so we just carried it around. She loved the wand and had a lot of fun waving it about and chewing on the star topper.
We don’t really give Lily candy or much sugar for that matter so going door to door to trick or treat seemed unnecessary this year. So we went to visit my Dad and Step-Mom before the real trick or treating started. We wanted to be back in our comfy home before all the ghosts and Gaga’s were wondering the streets. We would have visited more people but my Grandparents are in Mississippi visiting my Aunt, my Mom lives about 35 minutes away and the few other family members were either out of town or busy with their own lives. They will all get to see the pictures so they will survive.
Daddy taking Lily up to Grandpa’s door. Lily is still shy around my Dad (and everyone else except my in-laws) so she didn’t say trick or treat although we had practiced.
We meet my sister Jolene and her kids at our Dad’s so we could take pictures of the girls together.
Livi had just woke up and was in no mood for pictures at first.
They were both fairies and just looked too cute together.
This is a picture of my lovely little sister Jolene. She hates it so I guess it’s a good thing she doesn’t read my blog. This should teach her. ๐
My step-niece and nephew were there too.
Brianna was a really cute cat.
The kids went outside to play after a while.
That’s my step-nephew Tristan, he’s a ninja.
I had to bribe Olivia to sit still so I could take a picture of her and Lily together outside. Lily just wanted to go down the slide again, this was the best shot I got.
We had a really nice Halloween and hope that all of you did too.

All those sweet kiddos! So cute!