This past Saturday which I guess would be Halloween-Eve we took Lily to this really cool looking Pumpkin Patch. She had a great time walking around and climbing on all the pumpkins. I don’t know what about the big orange pumpkins screamed crawl over me, but Lily sure thought so.
They also make great seats.
Lily let us put her on top of the hay wall by a really cute little pumpkin and a scarecrow. I thought it would make a great picture and it sort of did, I think the light is a little off or something. Anyway, she wanted down RIGHT AWAY.
Lily was determined to move the wheelbarrow. I don’t know where she thought it needed to go but she was going to get it there.
I realized a while ago that I’m in very few pictures with Lily so I’m trying to get better about giving the camera to Waldo.
I got a couple good ones of them, this one is my favorite. And did you notice, more pumpkin sitting?
On the way out Lily need to investigate the hay wall and the pumpkins.
Lily: Hey Mama, I’m pretty sure something great is going on over there.
Me: Oh yeah? What do you think it is Baby Girl?
L: I’m not sure, but I’m going to use these great orange step stools to find out.
M: Just be careful.
L: Almost there.
L: Just a little further
M: What do you see?
L: Nothing, I’m too short!
*Don’t you love how us blogger Mom’s will let their kid do something semi dangerous to get the good pictures? LOL!

These pictures are all so gorgeous and vibrant and wonderful! I love them. And you guys need to get someone else to hold the camera & take a picture of all three of you <3 Lily's growing up so beautifully…. sniffles! I remember when she was just a little tiny thing!