Mommy Melee started Girl Talk Thursday. Go show her some love and check out Mr. Linky.
This week Mommy Melee wants to know what we would do with $50.00 guilt free.
My feet are looking totally unloved what with not being able to reach them while pregnant and now not having time to scrub them properly I would love a pedicure. Oh yes I would love to have someone massage and scrub my feet, oh and paint my toe nails a great shade of red or purple.
Darn now I totally need to figure out how to come up with some money. 🙂

I love pedicures!
Sounds wonderful to me, and I can reach my feet, so I have no excuse not to do it myself!
Ahhh…pedicure heaven.
Purple is one of several perfect shades for toes.
Gotta sister to do it for you?
I think I’m the only person in the world who hates getting a pedicure. I love how my feet look and feel afterward but I’m so damn ticklish that it’s just awkward. LOL
A LOT of people voted pedi! I like getting them but like Annette said sometimes I feel overly ticklish. I also sometimes start feeling bad for the girl giving me the pedicure! Silly, but it bugs me out.
$50…hmmm…I think I’d put it toward my fund to buy a lens for my camera. I so want to be a photographer “when I grow up.” 😉