Yep, still running way behind on posting things. I think I’m just going to give up and accept that I will never post things in a timely fashion and be fine with that.
On Father’s Day we decided to go out and wash our car. Way to give Waldo a day off, LOL. Oh well, it’s a nice way to spent time together and the car looks so much better when we’re done.
At some point Lily just starts beating our car clean.
At one point while I was rinsing the car Lily and Waldo climbed into Waldo’s Dad’s truck and this is what I found. Way too cute.
After we finished our car we washed my Father in Law’s for Father’s Day.
I took a lot of pictures during the car washing, but I also grabbed a few of Lil in my FIL’s truck and these are some of my favorite pictures of Lil that I’ve taken in a while.