Lily and I did a few crafts leading up to Easter, but somehow couldn’t find any of them. Honestly I didn’t work to hard to find them because I figured this post would be picture heavy enough without them. So we’ll start with pictures of painting eggs.
Since we’re moving back to Montana (oh yeah, that’s happening and I’ll try to post about it at some point) I figured I’d get Papa in on our last Easter with him. He was a great sport and joined right in.
For this next egg (which is wooden) I used my trusty glue gun to put 3 flowers on it. I wasn’t sure it would do any good or make any kind of difference, but it turned out really nicely.
Like I said Papa really got into painting the eggs. I wish he’d have done this one on a wooden egg, but at least I got pictures.
Papa’s eggs.
Daddy’s eggs.
I spent so much time handing out eggs and taking pictures that I only painted one egg.
I found some of those egg wraps like I used when I was little and bought them on a whim to see if they worked better or worse than I remember.
To my amazement it worked better. Yay.
On to Easter.
Lily is all about cowgirls right now thanks to Sheriff Callie. We saw these boots on clearance at Target and Lily just had to have them.
We were waiting for Daddy to get downstairs so Lily can go a’ hunting.
This series of pictures just kills me. For some reason Lil sitting on the counter, she just looks so darn big. I don’t know when or how that happened. I certainly didn’t authorize it.
Yay, we finally got outside. This is Lily going through her basket.
3 generations on Easter
I love this crab apple tree in the backyard.
It’s so bright and beautiful.
Papa didn’t get home until the egg hunt was almost over so Lily hid eggs for him. He was again such a good sport and searched out all the eggs.
When Papa was done hunting for eggs we went inside and Lily opened her treasure eggs.
After we were done messing around with eggs we decided to go to a local school so Waldo and Lily could launch the rockets they have been building for the last week or so.
For some unknown reason the rockets didn’t work. So Lily got to play on the playground.