I love comparing pictures of Lily from time to time. I haven’t done it in a while so I thought it was time.
Here’s Lily in July 2009. She was 7 months old.
What a cutie! Look at those expressions.
Here’s July 2010. She’s a year and 7 months here. We had been in California for just over a month. She still mostly signed, she only says a few words: Dada, Kitty and done done I think were just about it.
Now July 2011. She’s 2 years 7 months old. She has a limitless vocabulary, she has her own ideas about how things should be done and isn’t afraid to tell us about it.
Excuse me while I go get a box of tissues. Time goes so fast. You get so used to how your baby looks right at the moment that you don’t truly realize how much they have changed. This is one reason I love taking pictures so much, I always want to remember everything.