A wolf ate Kitty for Christmas this year.
We only bought Lily a few things for Christmas, but our families went crazy so she got a ton of stuff.
Like this really nice jacket from Waldo’s parents.
And an owl cuddly backpack from my Dad.
My sister Jolene got her a million piece magnetic dress up doll collection.
My Dad also got her this really cute little Mickie Mouse snow globe that Lil just loved.
It was broke by the end of the day.
My Mom got her a really sweet little porcelain tea set.
Hmmm, apparently I didn’t take any pictures of Lily with the things we got her. Imagine her with a couple of additions to her Thomas the Tank collection. Lil and Waldo spent a lot of time building the biggest track they could. It took me forever to take it apart and get it out of the middle of the floor. 🙂
We had a really nice breakfast of french toast and eggs before we crashed played with Lily’s new toys and after nap time we spent the rest of the day with Waldo’s brother and his family. We had a great time. I really missed my family, but I spoke to them so it took some of the sting out.
I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday.