Random Mobile Shots

Lily’s playing with the Sandra Boynton book App Blue Hat, Green Hat. I suggest all of you buy this app, it rocks and it’s given me 3 or 4 different 30-45 minute stretches of mostly Mama time.


This is Lily’s newest puppy. His name is Goodbye Puppy. Waldo says he gave her dozens of suggestions for names and finally she said ‘her name is Goodbye Puppy, like Hello Kitty’.

Goodbye Puppy's first picture

Lily says this is a drawing of me. I think I was having a bad hair day or something.


Lil’s obsessed with bandaging us all up. She’s using blue painters tape. At first she only used little bits on her stuffed animals, her obsession has grown to the adults in our house and very long strips of ‘bandaids’.


I don’t know what’s going on with my face, but Lil decided I was very hurt all over.

I have no idea what's going on with my face

We found the world dirtiest ride on toy outside a Rite Aid. This ride was followed by handfuls of hand sanitizer. Yuck.



I like to have Lily decorate envelopes before I send greeting card out. This was a card for my friend Becky.

For Aunt Becky

I broke Lily’s art desk and set out on the great desk search from Craigslist. I found this one, new in the box, but about 10 years old. Whatever it’s new and Lil loves it.


The point of jelly

Lily and Waldo were downstairs eating lunch and Waldo just came upstairs and told me “Lily just said ‘Daddy, do you know what the point of jelly is? The point of jelly is it tastes like a treat”. I almost fell out of my chair I was laughing so hard.

If you were to ask Lily if she wanted candy she would give you a blank look. We give her sweets so rarely that we just call them all treats and so that is what she knows them as. And ice cream of course, everyone knows what ice cream is.

We went on a little vacation and all I have to show for it is some pictures. Is anyone surprised? I’m not. Part 1

Part of the reason I’ve been so quiet here is that my little family went on a vacation. We decided we needed to see our chosen family and road tripped it to Montana. Unfortunately my BFF decided to move to Portland about 6 weeks ago so we had to change our plans and shorten our Montana time so we could stop by Portland on our way home. More on how that turned out later.

Waldo and I know our child. She doesn’t like change. So we started prepping her with excitement for our trip ahead of time and it was working. She was so looking forward to seeing ‘our friends’ and staying at motels and driving and driving and driving. Then the night before the big day she asked why Daddy was showing Papa something in the office. I explained the Papa was going to take care of Kitty while we were gone and I guess that was the first time that we thought to mention the fact that Kitty wasn’t going with us. She melted down. She was already missing Kitty. Oh woe is me. Life will never be worth living again without kitty being with us. And on and on. I finally asked if it would be ok to take some pictures of Kitty to have with us and whenever she was missing Kitty she could look at the pictures. “Oh, Mama, that is the best idea ever.”

Vacation 2012 ~ Montana Adventures

She never asked to look at the pictures once. Out of sight, out of mind I guess.

For the weeks leading up to the big day I thought about what all we needed to bring, I planned, shopped, schemed and baked. Oh how I baked, but more on that later too. One of the big things I was worried about was keeping a 3 1/2 year old happy in the car for hours at a time. I decided to take a page from our December plane trip and bought Lil some new things that she wouldn’t get till we were on our way and I’d space them out, giving her one at a time when she really needed something new to do. It was like friggin Christmas over here. Except so far we’ve kept Christmas much lighter present-wise than I did this trip. We didn’t really buy anything expensive, but a nice selection of things that I thought would keep her occupied and make her use her brain/imagination. It worked great and I still have a few of the trip toys tucked away for the future.

One of the things that I wanted for the trip was a little backpack for Lily to keep all of her stuff in and I wanted to sew it. Waldo helped me realize I didn’t have time for another project mainly due to the high volume of baking I was planning. So I asked Waldo’s Mom if she would make the backpack and she agreed. I found the pattern on Pinterest (of course) and the Fancy Nancy fabric at Hobby Lobby (but not on a Sunday of course) and it turned out so adorable. Sorry this picture mostly sucks, its the only one I have of the backpack.

Vacation 2012 ~ Montana Adventures

The drive went surprisingly well. We stopped for potty and leg stretching breaks often and did a little sight seeing. This picture was taken at the edge of Idaho and it was a bit of all three.

Vacation 2012 ~ Montana Adventures

We had stopped for lunch in Riggins, ID, which is the hometown of one of my best girlfriends, Paula. More about Paula in a second.

Vacation 2012 ~ Montana Adventures

One of the things that I made sure Lily had on our adventure was a lot of drawing options. I picked up a last minute notebook from Target on our way out of town. I gave it to Lil at lunch and she loved it.

Vacation 2012 ~ Montana Adventures

After lunch it took a few hours, but soon we were out of Idaho. This was Lily and Waldo at Lolo Pass. They were in Idaho looking at Montana.

Vacation 2012 ~ Montana Adventures

Hello Montana!

Vacation 2012 ~ Montana Adventures

Our first overnight stop was Missoula Montana. Waldo lived there when he first moved to MT 16-ish years ago and I’ve visited the city a number of times so getting there made the fact that we were in Montana very real. It was very exciting.

The most important thing on this trip was visiting with as many of our friends as possible. Our first friend visit was breakfast with Erin. I’m not 100% sure, but I think the last time we saw Erin was when she visited us in the hospital after Lil was born.

Vacation 2012 ~ Montana Adventures

After Erin we went to visit my friend Paula (the one who grew up in Riggins, ID). Paula has a little girl; Emma, who is 2 weeks older than Lil. The last time we saw Paula was Emma’s baby shower almost 4 years ago. Even with that long time between visits you would never know it, we fell back so easily into our old conversations and patterns. It was amazing.

Paula and her husband Steve have their daughter Emma and a 18 month old boy named Brady. Brady went down for a nap right after we got there.

Vacation 2012 ~ Montana Adventures

Emma wasn’t interested in taking a picture with us at all. After Paula put Emma down I should have put Lil down and taken a picture just the two of us, but it didn’t even occur to me until days later. I’m slow like that some days.

Emma was cool with this picture though.

Vacation 2012 ~ Montana Adventures

We spent about 2 1/2 hours with Paula and her family. Lily and Emma played on opposite ends of the living room the entire time. As per normal Lily wanted Waldo or myself right next to her while she played so I sat on the floor and talked to Paula. At one point Lil sat on my lap and I handed my phone to Paula. I was so impressed with this picture she captured.

Vacation 2012 ~ Montana Adventures

As we were leaving I snagged this picture of 3/4 of Paula’s family.

Vacation 2012 ~ Montana Adventures

Spending time with Paula makes me miss her so much more than I already did. She commented I think more than once that she wished we were neighbors so our girls could play and so could we. I feel the same way.

After leaving Paula’s we headed out on the road again. We drove to Whitefish, which was our ultimate destination. It was only about a 3 hour drive and we were so glad for the short drive, especially since Waldo and I had made the trip between Missoula and Whitefish so many times in the past.

We stopped at a McDonalds to grab a quick bite to eat and use the restrooms. Lil saw the play area and was intrigued. She’s never played in any indoor play places before so we let her for a few minutes.

Vacation 2012 ~ Montana Adventures

As soon as other kids headed for the play area it was time to leave. She wanted nothing to do with them, which is very usual for her.

After we got to our motel and brought ALL of our stuff* in we had time to kill so we went to a park. I lived down the street from this park for 8 years and I always dreamed of the day my kid would get to play there so it was great to see my Girl at the park.

Vacation 2012 ~ Montana Adventures

Vacation 2012 ~ Montana Adventures

Vacation 2012 ~ Montana Adventures

Vacation 2012 ~ Montana Adventures

Vacation 2012 ~ Montana Adventures

I’m going to stop here since this post has gotten out of hand and it so picture heavy. Part 2 will also be picture heavy so I don’t want to clog up the internet tubes too much.

*I can’t believe I didn’t take a picture of all of our luggage together. I believe we had 11 bags, 4 boxes, 1 ice chest, my purse and a few other odds and ends. Crazy!

If the zoo really did hold a talent show Lily would win

I think Olivia has an episode about talent shows so for a while Lily was all about them. It goes along perfectly with Lil’s love of dance. These days when she hears a song she likes she can’t help but dance to it, even if it’s just to wiggle her shoulders. I love this trait and hope that she keeps it.

This was at the zoo a month or two ago. The zoo has this great African musical instrument outside the lion exhibit. Lil never even noticed it till a few months ago, now it’s her favorite thing there. In these videos Waldo is laying down the mad beats with the neat instrument.

*Sorry the second video is sideways. I told youtube to turn it and it says ok, then it’s all f-you, I’m not doing S for you.  Man having a three year old is playing havoc with my language.

I guess in the end youtube did what I asked, yay!

Lil’s first snow cone

Last weekend Waldo’s brother was part of a charity event thing that gave away free snow cones and he invited us to come and get some. Lil’s never had a snow cone before and I had been thinking about introducing her to the sickly sugary sweet ice treat so this was perfect timing.

I ordered her a watermelon flavored snow cone and at first she wasn’t sure about the crazy red color.

Lily's first snowcone

She tried a few bites, still not 100% on board I think.

Lily's first snowcone

Lily's first snowcone

Then the sugar hit and she was smitten.

Lily's first snowcone

Lily's first snowcone

Lily's first snowcone

Arms raised high “This is the BEST picnic ever”.

Lily's first snowcone

She repeated that comment at least 3 times.

Lily's first snowcone

Lily's first snowcone

Lily's first snowcone

I’m sure we’ll be doing snow cones again this summer.

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