Feisty Girl

Last week Lily was sitting and singing, rather than eating. She was strumming her fork like a guitar and saying something about “inside no more”. It took me a little while but I figured out that it was a Jason Mraz’s song from Sesame Street.

She sang this randomly all week. It was the cutest thing. I finally got a tiny bit caught on video. While catching the cute song I also got some really feisty bits of Lil’s everyday personality. She is so much fun.

Sorry it’s sideways.

Here’s the Jason Mraz version, just so you know where Lil was coming from.

Hi Ernie!

Lily has been straying from Yo Gabba Gabba lately for Elmo and his pals. We have been buying her these cute little Sesame Street characters from Target and she loves them.

When we bought her Ernie, I heard her say his name for the first time and now I never want his name pronounced any other way. She calls him…

Twinkle Little Star

Lily loves to sing, I mean she LOVES to sing. She belts songs out day and night. It’s really cute. She’ll hear something on Sesame Street or Yo Gabba Gabba and then later that day from out of nowhere she’s singing it.

I got her signing in the bathtub the other day.

You’re welcome.

Late Night Cuteness of the Lily Bean

I don’t know what happened last night, but just as Waldo and I were laying down our heads to dream, Lily decided it was the perfect time to party.   I did not agree, but after about an hour of trying to nurse her to sleep I gave up and we went into the office and tried to kill time till Lily was ready to go to sleep.  Of course she had what felt like a really nice long nap and was ready to be awake and having fun.  In the three and a half hours that we had to kill she pulled out some super cuteness and I of course tried to capture it.

I have sang her “patty cake” a bunch since she was little, but something about it a few days ago really stuck with her and now it’s her favorite thing.  She especially love the “roll it” part.

Since her birthday last month Lily has been singing a lot of “happy birthday”.  By the way I have no idea she got the idea for the “microphone” from.

Lily’s homemade bellydancing dress

For Lily’s birthday my Mom’s wife Cory made her a beautiful belly dancing dress.  Cory is a very talented belly dancer and makes amazing costumes among other things.  Lily loves her dress and the second I put it on her she started dancing around and showing it off.



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