Lil’s first snow cone

Last weekend Waldo’s brother was part of a charity event thing that gave away free snow cones and he invited us to come and get some. Lil’s never had a snow cone before and I had been thinking about introducing her to the sickly sugary sweet ice treat so this was perfect timing.

I ordered her a watermelon flavored snow cone and at first she wasn’t sure about the crazy red color.

Lily's first snowcone

She tried a few bites, still not 100% on board I think.

Lily's first snowcone

Lily's first snowcone

Then the sugar hit and she was smitten.

Lily's first snowcone

Lily's first snowcone

Lily's first snowcone

Arms raised high “This is the BEST picnic ever”.

Lily's first snowcone

She repeated that comment at least 3 times.

Lily's first snowcone

Lily's first snowcone

Lily's first snowcone

I’m sure we’ll be doing snow cones again this summer.

Yet another Zoo trip

Yes I’m here to talk about going to the Zoo again. We love going to the zoo. It’s a good way to spend a few hours as a family doing something outside in a fun and controlled environment. We go so often that we know what animals we like to see and the ones that we don’t really care for. Which is to say we know our way around really well and hit the best spots most often.

Last April we bought a year pass to the Zoo in Fresno and lucky it worked in Boise too. I knew buying the pass would save us money, and enable us to go to the zoo on a whim because it wouldn’t cost us more then a few dollars. I had no idea just how often we would end up at the zoo or how much money we would save. Our pass expired at the end of last month so I counted up our zoo trips and was astonished to find out that we visited the zoo 18 times. 18 times! In 12 months. It would have cost us over $250 to visit the zoo that many times, and that’s just admission. We paid $55 for the pass to the Fresno zoo. I’d say it was well worth it. We have already bought our pass for this year of course.

Since I’m already talking about the zoo I might as well share my favorite pictures from our trip this weekend.

I have no idea if the zoo would tell us to stop it or not, but Lil loves to feed popcorn to the geese outside the zoo entrance (there’s a big park). I popped a little popcorn before we left the house and Lil tossed it at the geese with great pleasure.

Zoo Boise 5/6/12

Zoo Boise 5/6/12

Zoo Boise 5/6/12

Zoo Boise 5/6/12

Zoo Boise 5/6/12

We have a tradition of sharing a soft serve ice cream cone at the zoo and this time while we were ordering they had delicious brownies next to the cash register so we bought one.

Zoo Boise 5/6/12

Baby ducks!
Zoo Boise 5/6/12

Zoo Boise 5/6/12

My little birdy.

Zoo Boise 5/6/12

Zoo Boise 5/6/12

Zoo Boise 5/6/12

While looking up how many times we went to the zoo I noticed that the number of pictures I took each time grew smaller and smaller. I don’t think I’ve taken our real camera to the zoo in the last half dozen trips, I just use my phone and hope that I get the best pictures possible.

Easter 2012 ~ Just a bit late

I know that I’m late with this Easter post, but I don’t really care. If this actually gets published and doesn’t live the rest of the its existence in my drafts folder I will be one very happy woman.

Last year we had started out dying eggs for Easter, but very quickly we realized that red solo cups of dye are boring and spill very easily (I’m pretty sure I spilled two cups) so I tossed all of the colored vinegar water and changed tactics. I got out our painting supplies and we painted eggs. It worked out great so a tradition was born.  This year I wanted some pastel colors for the eggs and had a very hard time trying to find pastel paint. Finally I found some little pots of pastel-ish colors at Michaels and decided that they would have to be good enough.

The Saturday before Easter Waldo, Lily and I sat down and started painting eggs.  First I had Lil paint her 2012 wood egg.  This is a idea I stole from my friend Amy, I love it. This way I’ll have an egg for every year when she’s all grown up.

Painting easter eggs

Painting easter eggs

I love how every stoke of the paintbrush was very deliberate.

Painting easter eggs

After her wood egg was done we all got going with the regular hard-boiled eggs.

Painting easter eggs

Painting easter eggs

I love how the paint pots looked after a little painting.

Painting easter eggs

Painting easter eggs

Painting easter eggs

Painting easter eggs

Easter morning I hid the eggs in the front yard and Lily had a lot of fun searching for them. Once and halfway through she got cold so I put a sweater over her cute new outfit.

Easter 2012

Easter 2012

We don’t celebrate Easter other than to hide and seek eggs over and over and over and over again. For us it was the perfect day.

All weaned, nice and slowly

On March 23 Lily feel asleep for her nap without nursing.  She didn’t ask for it and I didn’t offer.  That was the first time in 3 years, 3 months and a day that Lil hadn’t nursed to sleep, aside from the very occasional nap in the car

Most days nursing didn’t bother me, I didn’t think much about it. Lily’s nursing was a constant in our lives, it was a major help most of the time, but there were the occasional days when I wanted nothing more than to never let Lily anywhere near my chest quadrant. Those days were a rarity and that’s great because I was determined to let Lil self-wean at her pace, no matter how slow that was, to be reviewed again at a later date if necessary.  I did have a small hand in the day time and middle of the night time weanings, but only in the slightest ways.  With the daytime nursing, she was still nursing on demand (but almost excursively at home only for a long time now, but Lil’s choice) until she was about 2 1/2, then one day I started just not offering anymore and at first nothing changed and then slowly she started going longer and longer at a stretch.  And on the days when she was just nursing too much or too long, I’d put a timer on so she knew how long it could last.

With the middle of the night nursing I just one day decided I needed more sleep. I slept topless and when Lil woke up in the middle of the night and crawled into our bed she would just snuggle up to me and nurse back to sleep.  This arrangement worked most nights and was great because a lot of nights I slept right through it.  But she had always used me as a human pacifier and night time was the worst.  It got to the point where some nights she would just nurse for hours and I would doze, but not sleep really well.  I couldn’t break the suction without waking her a lot of the times. Just a reminder, Lil has never, ever, ever been a good sleeper.  Anyway, one day a couple of months ago I had just had enough and I needed more sleep so I put a shirt on.  When Lil crawled in to bed the first night, she tugged at my shirt and asked about it. I told her that I’d let her nurse for a few minutes and then she was going to let go and go to sleep. I did that twice. It worked. I was ecstatic. I let her nurse a couple of time in the middle of the night because of a bad dream or something, but that was very rare.

Since I hadn’t been doing anything to encourage or discourage Lil’s going to sleep nursing I was shocked when she just stopped one day. I know I’ve read that over and over again on blogs and in articles about extended breastfeeding “Timmy just stopped one day, like I always knew he would”, but I had started to doubt that would be me and Lil, I was convinced for a while that she was going to nurse forever.  When we lay down on her bed to go to sleep I’d kiss her goodnight and then she’d either ask to nurse or just start pulling up my shirt. I never told her no, but every once in a while I’d give her the ‘none of her cousins (her age and younger) still nurse, and it’s fine with me if she wanted to keep nursing, but I’d also be ok when she decided that she was done, after all, you’re getting so big’ speech. While she nursed I’d snuggle her and smell her hair and pat her back and read my book on my phone. It was relaxing for both of us, most of the time.  So color me shocked when we go by the routine on 3/22 and then on 3/23 she never brings it up. I probably held my breath the whole time it took her to fall asleep. (It usually takes Lily about 30 minutes to fall asleep, how that does compare with your kids?) I went into Waldo’s office and told him “you are never going believe this, She feel asleep without nursing.”  The same thing happened when we went to sleep that night.   The next day was my 36th birthday, I feel like this was a great birthday present.  She hasn’t even asked to nurse in the last month. Success.

And as every parent knows with every success comes some kind of new challenge.  In the month since she weaned she has also given up her nap (I’m totally bummed about this for the work week, but excited for the weekends, now we have more flexibility) and we have had to figure out how to help her to fall asleep without boobs.  The last has been the hardest, but honestly not a totally brutal as I was afraid it might be.  It is once again taking her about 30 minutes to fall asleep at night, I can live with that.

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