Oh sleep, how I miss you

Last night was one of the worst we’ve had.  I guess that’s pretty good in the grand scheme of things.  I mean Lily is 12 weeks old and usually has  very good (or at least good enough) nights.  We go through our routine and she goes down nursing with no problems.  She usually wakes up twice briefly to nurse.  Easy peesy.

I don’t know what was different about last night (I have a guess) but everything seemed normal till we actually laid down in bed.  Then all hell broke loose.

Our normal night goes something like this… Waldo gets home and finishes dinner.  We eat.  We move to the couch and watch an hour or so of tv.  Lily nurses and sleeps on and off during all of this.  Then I hand her off to Waldo while I brush my teeth and what not.  Then I rock her and sing while we wait for Waldo to get ready for bed.  Then we lay down, and she nurses off to sleepy town.

Everything went fine until the we lay down in bed part.  Lily started to fuzz and actually cry and nothing I did helped.  We got up and went back to rock some more.  As soon as I picked her up she quieted down.  We rocked till she feel asleep, which happened just in the nick of time.  I was falling asleep and afraid I would drop her.  We go lay back down and it back to fussing and then full on screaming.  Waldo offered to rock her, but I said no.  He has to get up extra early on Thursdays so I wanted him to get some sleep.  I tried unswaddling her, nope still crying.  I took her out of the sleep positioner she uses.  Nope still screaming.  So back to the rocking chair we go.  This time I grab my boppy so that if I fall asleep she can just rest on that and I know she’s safe.  We rocked for an hour or so this time.  I wanted to make sure she was really asleep.  Ok I fell asleep too or we probably could have gone back sooner.

It finally worked.  I figured we might get out of the middle of the night feedings since we nursed so late.  Nope right at 2:30 she wanted to nurse again.  Oh well.  At least she didn’t wake up again til 7:00 so I can’t complain too much about that.

The one thing that I noticed was she had a lot of gas.  I mean a LOT of gas.  The formula make her gassy, I really hope they let us stop supplementing but I don’t know if they ever will.

Here’s hoping tonight’s better.

Just because shes so darn cute

Just because she's so darn cute

Our little family

For weeks I have been trying to get a family picture.  Obviously I hadn’t tried too hard.  Finally this Sunday I got my wish.

Our family

Our family

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