Today is a good day.

I’m sitting here trying not to bump my fingers or toes because they are freshly painted.  This hardly ever happens anymore and I’m trying to enjoy it.

It is a beautiful 64 degrees in early February, EARLY FEBRUARY.  The sun is shining, the birds are chirping and some flowers are blooming.   I can hardly believe it.  I bet its freezing and snowy in Montana right now.

We spent some time out in the sun this morning playing with a toy golf cart my Sister-in-law Christy left here. There was also a lot of exploring behind the shed (it’s safe), and playing around.

Spring in Feburary

Spring in Feburary

Spring in Feburary

Spring in Feburary

Oh and of course I took a ton of pictures.

Spring in Feburary

Spring in Feburary

She's found something

Spring in Feburary

It's a flower!

Spring in Feburary

Taking it somewhere

Spring in Feburary

Here Daddy

Spring in Feburary

Ring around the rosies

I also put my phone in my pocket and enjoyed my daughter without a lens between us.

Spring in Feburary

The day is so nice that after her nap Lily went for a walk with ReRe and Papa and I sat outside painting my toes thinking about how lucky I am.

Life is good.

Spring in Feburary

Following Jingle

The post was supposed to end here, but I had to add one more thing.  We went outside last night after dinner (around 8pm) and it was still beautiful even though it was completely dark.  It was also warmer then Montana will be in April!

Sick Girl

Last Monday when I woke up I thought Lily might be coming down with something because she coughed a once or twice in the middle of the night and that is very unusual.  As the day past I figured I was being overly paranoid because Lily was playing and have a lot of fun with her cousin Bryce.  Then about 3 in the afternoon I noticed Lily was really warm and took her temp and it was just over 100.  She and I spent the rest of the afternoon in our bedroom snuggling.  At dinner time she didn’t touch her food and pretty much just snuggled on my lap the whole time.  After a useless dinner we got ready for bed and then she was playing again so I figured she was doing a little better, boy was I wrong.  At bedtime we sat down to nurse and when she was just about asleep she threw up on me. The was the first time in her life that she has ever thrown up and the poor girl did it again and again. I just kept rubbing her back and trying to help her feel better. When I took her temp it was just over 103. Waldo went and got my Dr. Sears Baby Book to look up fevers and that made us feel much better.  After about 15 minutes of snuggling and a quick outfit change I got her to drink some ice water and the next thing I know she’s running into the livingroom and running around like a perfectly healthy crazy person. Again I figured she was at least a little better. That night I got so little sleep that I might as well of not laid down at all. Lily nursed just about all night long, coughed her little head off and sneezed approximately 500 times. Most of those sneezes producing a fountain of snot the likes of which I have doubts could fit inside my kids head.

The next four or five days are a blur of more of the same. More fountain producing sneezes, more coughing, more fevers (thankfully they never got over 101 after that one reading of 103, and most of the time it was right around 99-100), more trying to get Lily to eat, more snuggling and lots of nursing. Lily is finally feeling better and I’ve learned a lot during this cold:

  • First and foremost I am so glad that I’m still breastfeeding.  Nursing offers Lily nutrition, hydration, antibodies and most/best of all comfort.
  • The Nosefrida is an amazing invention.  I bought it a while ago and thought it was pretty useless, but it has really come in handy this week.  Lily knows how to blow her nose but can’t do it strong enough to really get much out, the Nosefrida really helped with this.
  • Bathroom steams really helped too.  Dr. Sears recommends turning the shower on as hot as it gets and spend 10-15 minutes in there. It’s suppose to help loosen the nose and chest congestion, and help cough it up or blow it out.  It really helped Lily to breath to combine the streams and the Nosefrida, it worked out great.
  • Dr. Sears also suggests Sinupret as a natural sinus booster.  I can’t really say if this did anything or not, but I think it did.
  • Baby Tylenol did nothing.  Waldo ran to the store after Lil threw up that first night and got some and we used it a couple of times and I honestly couldn’t tell a difference.
  • Did I mention breastfeeding?  Because let me tell you, we did a LOT of it.  My nipples are so sore, sorry for the TMI.  But sore boobs are a small price to pay for Lily feeling comforted and safe.
  • Lily’s head can hold a ton of snot.  Those sneezes that cause all of it to come flying out of her nose simply amaze me.
  • Putting a little lotion on Lily’s nose is a must, but usually ends up with both us getting lotion all of our faces.
  • The Nosefrida has to be used on the “baby” before Lily will let it be used on her.  Lily’s baby dolls have the clearest sinuses around.

This wasn’t Lily’s first cold but probably the second or third of this head cold type and this one seemed to be the worst.  I am so glad that it’s mostly over.

I’m telling you right now, if your kid has a running nose or you sneeze in the area, I’m running for the hills.  I don’t want to deal with this again anytime soon.

Me and My Girl

We were hanging out last night and Lily started giving me “big hugs” so I told asked Waldo to get the camera.  He took like three shots and as he was reviewing them he said “you are going to love her face in this one”. He was so right.

I think this kid likes me just a little

I think she likes me just a little.

Christmas 2010

Since this was our first Christmas back in Cali we had to figure out how to incorporate our love of simple quiet holidays with visiting lots of relatives and I’m pretty happy with how it turned out.

On December 18th we went to a party at my cousin’s house for my Dad’s side of the family.

Silly glasses Group 2

Silly glasses Group 1

Lily and Christy

Lily in glasses

Lily and Mark


It was a lot of fun. I spent the days before the party baking 3 different types of cookies and two kinds of rice crispy treats to give out. The cookies turned out great but the royal icing was still wet on the sugar cookies so they didn’t look quite as nice as I had planned.*

It was also really cool because our Mamaw (Grandma, Dad’s Mom) just moved back to town last month after being away for 10 years. Everyone had a lot of fun eating, visiting and wearing silly glasses.

Originally we were going to have Christmas Eve at Waldo’s brother’s house but all of his family came down with the plague the day before so we switched up plans and it worked out great. Except for the sick babies part. Waldo’s brother has 4 boys; 12, 10, 2 1/2 and 1 (I think) and I think all of them were sick. We ended up having a really nice dinner at home with Waldo’s parents and then Lily opened her gifts from them.

I spent the days leading up to Christmas baking cookies and rice crispy treats to give out.*

Waldo made us hot chocolate and his Dad (Papa) started a fire. It was so cozy.
Christmas 2010

Waldo’s Mom Rita whom Lily calls ReRe made Lily a beautiful quilt and pillow case.
Christmas 2010

ReRe and Papa got her an easel, paper and markers along with a pack of Little people to go with the house she got a few weeks ago.
Christmas 2010

Lily always asks that you draw a kitty for her and we do but none of us are very talented. After a lot of drawing and playing we went to bed with hopes of sleeping in the following morning. And what can only be called a Christmas Miracle Lily didn’t wake up until 8 on Christmas morning. YAY.

After getting ready to go Waldo, Lily and I headed over to my Memaw’s (my Mom’s mom) house for chocolate gravy. This is the thing that I have been looking forward to most of all. It is a family tradition to have Memaw’s chocolate gravy for Christmas breakfast and it didn’t disappoint. My Grandparents house was packed to the gills with family, it was very noisy and a lot of fun.

Christmas 2010

We opened gifts then took a couple of pictures.

Christmas 2010

Christmas 2010

Once we were done Waldo, Lily and I left to go visit my Dad. We didn’t get any pictures over there but Lily got a lot of nice clothes and a couple of cute dolls. Then it was home so Lily could nap and then open her gifts from us.

Waldo and I had decided long ago that we don’t really exchange gifts with each other and that we wouldn’t go crazy for our kid(s). We want the holidays to be about family and not stuff. We did pretty good this year. We got Lily 3 little gifts and one slightly bigger thing. Actually one of the smaller gifts was suppose to be for one of the nephews but he already had something very similar only way better so we gave it to Lil instead and I have already gotten rid of it.

Christmas 2010

Christmas 2010

Both of Lil’s little gifts (that we bought specifically for her) were see and says. The smaller of the two was her favorite thing ever until she opened her last and best gift.

Christmas 2010

Lily loves Yo Gabba Gabba and we weren’t 100% sure which character she loved the most but she says TooDee’s name pretty often and she looked the cuddliest so we went with her. It was a huge hit.

After opening TooDee she wanted to draw all the Gabba gang. Waldo did his best.

Christmas 2010

Christmas 2010

I hope that everyone had a wonderful and memorable Christmas and holiday season.

*I will do a separate post about the cookies.

Random mobile shots

A few months ago it was time to get a new cell phone and after much talking and considering we decided to upgrade to smart phones. Waldo and I each got a htc Incredible. We love them and one of my favorite parts is that it has a pretty darn good camera. I almost always have my phone with me so it’s convent when Lil’s being extra cute to just grab it and snap away.

I’ve seen on a few other blogs where they share their mobile shots and love the idea. So here goes.


Bucket Head


She put the bag on herself and when I grabbed my phone gave me that "Really Mom?!" look.


Enjoying the fall leaves


Waldo's eyes were open just before the picture actualy went off


Cousins enjoying homemade playdough


A secret garden

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