If the zoo really did hold a talent show Lily would win

I think Olivia has an episode about talent shows so for a while Lily was all about them. It goes along perfectly with Lil’s love of dance. These days when she hears a song she likes she can’t help but dance to it, even if it’s just to wiggle her shoulders. I love this trait and hope that she keeps it.

This was at the zoo a month or two ago. The zoo has this great African musical instrument outside the lion exhibit. Lil never even noticed it till a few months ago, now it’s her favorite thing there. In these videos Waldo is laying down the mad beats with the neat instrument.

*Sorry the second video is sideways. I told youtube to turn it and it says ok, then it’s all f-you, I’m not doing S for you.  Man having a three year old is playing havoc with my language.

I guess in the end youtube did what I asked, yay!

Garden bounty

A few days ago David (my father in law) decided to dig up one of the potato plants to see how it was coming along because the top was starting to die. The potatoes were perfect. I couldn’t believe something so perfect could grow from a cut up piece of sprouting potato that I almost threw away.

Because Waldo’s sister Christy and her son Jude were coming we didn’t get a chance to dig up any more potatoes till today. Jude totally helped and the kids (along with Grandpa) had a lot of fun.

Digging potatoes

Lily diging up potatoes

Jude helping to dig up potatoes

We dug up all of the white potatoes and picked a few orange tomatoes. In a week or two we’ll have a bunch of russet potatoes too.

Today's garden bounty

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